Responses from jacano
Any expereince with Coincident Frankenstein II Amp I have owned the Franks Mk II for a couple of years now, and I also matched them for a while with the Hovland (a great preamp) until I finally got few months ago the CSL preamp, which is first class. For me the Franks are the best SET amps I know.... | |
Has anyone listened to the coincident linestage? I understand very well, Charles. I have the intuition that the massive power supply plays a major role here. To make a PS like that is expensive, and I guess that is why we donĀ“t see it very often. A curious thing about this unit is the tube confi... | |
Has anyone listened to the coincident linestage? It is just an outstanding, quiet, natural sounding piece of equipment. I got mine about a month ago. I am using it with the Frankenstein. The amps sound now like a good 30W SET monos, but the extra gain does not deteriorate the sound. Still early ... | |
What's your profession? Age? I am a university teacher. I am 54 years old. My system is all Coincident Technology: speakers, amps, preamp. Near 25K, I guess. |