
Responses from jamesbgood

Need input on new speakers
Why not trade the speakers for the Vandersteen Model 2?  It has considerably more bass and takes just a bit more space.     
Zu Audio Union 6 Supreme
Hey, karl_desch, I must say you piqued my curiosity as I have the Quatro Wood CTs with the M5-HPA amps.  Usually, before I jump to listen, I let JA give insight into his measurements.  I know that measurements don't tell everything, but because yo... 
2023 AXPONA Show Report
@treepmeyer I thought the Vandersteen system sounded great. I saw that there were many advertisements about one Audioquest session per day. I attended one, and I thought the presenter was enthusiastic because he designed the product. If you planne... 
Audio Doctor goes to Axpona observations so far
Vandersteen System Nine was not at the show.  I am confused by the comments about a speaker that was not there.  
Vandersteen 2CE Signature III — video review on YouTube by Steve Guttenberg (1/15/2023)
@jjss49 I find it interesting that you discuss Vandersteens getting brighter.  One of the great databases of info is John Atkinson's measurements.  I looked through several of them and didn't see the speakers getting brighter.  I am hyper-sensitiv... 
Physics Question: Why does cabinet volume matter so much to bass response?
I am surprised that the OP read Richard Vandersteen's response as "pissed off." Every time I have corresponded with Richard, he has been helpful.  I believe his response is related to the complexity of the question, as indicated by all the other r... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Reading through this discussion, I am surprised that Lous feels compelled to call out Vandersteen as a dumbed-down sound yet makes no reference to other speakers for hearing impaired, overly detailed, or any other tonal balance difference in the m... 
Sonus Faber vs Wilson
Tonywinga I don't think it is unusual that you are drawn to the Vandersteen's.  The Thiel's are time and phase correct like the Vandersteen's.  That turns out to be a big deal for me.  I put Vandersteen Quatros in my space a year ago and all I do ... 
Stereophile's 2021 products of the year
I was surprised to find that Stereophile gives a three-year lifetime to these products.  If there is truly a reference product with a great design that does not need revision every three years, you lose.  You won't see it on this list.  The other ... 
Upgrading from Thiel 2.7 to Sonus Faber or Focal???
The only time and phase-aligned speaker is Vandersteen at this point.  It might suit your ear.   
Not Thrilled with Vandersteen 2CE Sigs - where is the first place to work on?
I did a lot of looking around before I bought my Quatros CTs.  One of the key elements is not just the product, but the company behind the product.  With Vandersteen, I found a family company working hard every day to improve their craft.  After r... 
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!)
I read your description and you echoed my listening tastes and sound room size.  You should look at the Vandersteen Quatro as they have pistonic drivers and the Carbon tweeter is a big deal! I spent a lot of time listening at my dealer before pur... 
Sorry Erik not Eric. 
I know this discussion is about cables, but Erik brought up some of my past so I am compelled to share.  I have been a "fanboy" of Wilson Audio and B&W for many years because that is what my dealer had, and what I focused on when attending sho... 
Is the ideal multi-way a 3-way with limited bass?
This is just my two cents worth.  My room is a converted dining room.  It is not large and I wanted to hear full orchestra and rock out to The Who as well.   I found most large speakers, capable of such output have very little or no adjustability ...