Responses from jamesbgood
Need input on new speakers Why not trade the speakers for the Vandersteen Model 2? It has considerably more bass and takes just a bit more space. | |
Zu Audio Union 6 Supreme Hey, karl_desch, I must say you piqued my curiosity as I have the Quatro Wood CTs with the M5-HPA amps. Usually, before I jump to listen, I let JA give insight into his measurements. I know that measurements don't tell everything, but because yo... | |
2023 AXPONA Show Report @treepmeyer I thought the Vandersteen system sounded great. I saw that there were many advertisements about one Audioquest session per day. I attended one, and I thought the presenter was enthusiastic because he designed the product. If you planne... | |
Audio Doctor goes to Axpona observations so far Vandersteen System Nine was not at the show. I am confused by the comments about a speaker that was not there. | |
Vandersteen 2CE Signature III — video review on YouTube by Steve Guttenberg (1/15/2023) @jjss49 I find it interesting that you discuss Vandersteens getting brighter. One of the great databases of info is John Atkinson's measurements. I looked through several of them and didn't see the speakers getting brighter. I am hyper-sensitiv... | |
Physics Question: Why does cabinet volume matter so much to bass response? I am surprised that the OP read Richard Vandersteen's response as "pissed off." Every time I have corresponded with Richard, he has been helpful. I believe his response is related to the complexity of the question, as indicated by all the other r... | |
why do so many discussions turn contentious? Reading through this discussion, I am surprised that Lous feels compelled to call out Vandersteen as a dumbed-down sound yet makes no reference to other speakers for hearing impaired, overly detailed, or any other tonal balance difference in the m... | |
Sonus Faber vs Wilson Tonywinga I don't think it is unusual that you are drawn to the Vandersteen's. The Thiel's are time and phase correct like the Vandersteen's. That turns out to be a big deal for me. I put Vandersteen Quatros in my space a year ago and all I do ... | |
Stereophile's 2021 products of the year I was surprised to find that Stereophile gives a three-year lifetime to these products. If there is truly a reference product with a great design that does not need revision every three years, you lose. You won't see it on this list. The other ... | |
Upgrading from Thiel 2.7 to Sonus Faber or Focal??? The only time and phase-aligned speaker is Vandersteen at this point. It might suit your ear. | |
Not Thrilled with Vandersteen 2CE Sigs - where is the first place to work on? I did a lot of looking around before I bought my Quatros CTs. One of the key elements is not just the product, but the company behind the product. With Vandersteen, I found a family company working hard every day to improve their craft. After r... | |
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!) I read your description and you echoed my listening tastes and sound room size. You should look at the Vandersteen Quatro as they have pistonic drivers and the Carbon tweeter is a big deal! I spent a lot of time listening at my dealer before pur... | |
Overrated/Underrated Sorry Erik not Eric. | |
Overrated/Underrated I know this discussion is about cables, but Erik brought up some of my past so I am compelled to share. I have been a "fanboy" of Wilson Audio and B&W for many years because that is what my dealer had, and what I focused on when attending sho... | |
Is the ideal multi-way a 3-way with limited bass? This is just my two cents worth. My room is a converted dining room. It is not large and I wanted to hear full orchestra and rock out to The Who as well. I found most large speakers, capable of such output have very little or no adjustability ... |