

Responses from jazzbird

Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
MSB just announced it will add an I2S module to the Discrete DAC which will add another $1980 to the cost of the unit.  
Antipodes K50 G4 Music Server/Player
I am debating whether to have my K50 updated to the G4 status.  I would lose my unit while the repairs are being performed by Antipodes Audio.  Also, the company is located in New Zealand which has a different import system and a different A/C cur... 
New! Cerious Technologies Lumniscate cables
I cannot access the website.  The page will not move up or down!  
Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality
I believe the sale ended on Nov. 28.  The sale was 10% off for the Muon system.  "He who hesitates is lost !. "   That is me.  
Antipodes K50
I have everything set up, but I  need help !   I use an ethernet cord from the K-50 to converter/modem by Comcast.  When I listen to Qobuz, I get slight interference coming out of my Anat III speakers.  When the K-50 ethernet cord is disconnected,... 
Antipodes K50
I bought a K-50, But I have not set-up the unit.  I discovered that one needs to use an I Pad or I Phone to set-up the software.  Also, no written manual is provided for the purchaser.  If you are not computer literate, you may be in need of much ... 
Suggestions for a streamer only (I have a great DAC)
There are three streamers that have not been mentioned in this discussion yet.  The first streamer is called the Magna Hifi  Mano ULTRA that is made in Holland and is compatible with SPDIF and I2S inputs.  You do not have to deal with Roon!  It re... 
Audioquest Dragon Powercord vs Hurricane
Are the Dragons still for sale ?  
Jazz Fans-- Name some of your favorite, less well known recordings
One of my favorite albums is Music, Inc. - Live at Slugs' Part 1 and 2 on the Strata East Records.  The quartet includes Charles Tolliver on Trumpet, Stanley Cowell on piano, Cecil Mc Bee on Bass, and Jimmy Hopps on drums.  The music is also avail... 
Innuos - New Re-Clocker
Please check the Audio Bacon of September 8, 2020 for a review of the Phoenix USB Re-clocker which mentions upgrades of USB cables and A/C cords that are suitable with the Phoenix USB re-clocker ! 
Which USB Re Clocker
I wanted to ask grannyring which dealer he used to buy the 3R Master Time !  I wanted to investigate the 3R Master Time and the 3R USB Renaissance to see which item would be better in my system ! 
Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?
What about Qobus vs. Amazon music service ? 
The choice of my new CD player
I just noticed that there is used P S Audio Direct Stream DAC available for $3099 at Upscale Audio in California.  I have no contact with this company, but I wanted to tell people on Audiogon about this good deal !    
One of the best HDMI cable?
Don't look now, but there is a new and improved HDMI cable that is 2.1 !   If you care to, you can  read an article from Dec. 4, 2017 from TechHive entitled "2.1 HDMI specs and features : Everything you need to know." 
Best Jazz pianist
Nobody has mentioned the excellent performances of Stanley Cowell !  Has anyone heard of Music, Inc. !    Dr. Cowell also recorded for Galaxy Records !