
Responses from jbs

Opinions on Bluesound vs Sonos.
As you have found software is key for any sort of streaming or whole house audio. I used to have Sonos, sold it and never looked back.    I use a Node to do all my streaming either from local files or internet. I use an external DAC and separates... 
Best way to sell a record collection
I did this a few years ago. I bought the proper shippers and inserts, maybe 50 or whatever was pretty small. I listed carefully on eBay which was the time consuming part. I just listed the most valuable records and then made a few packs of 4/5 (wh... 
Buying Used Speakers
I have had great experience buying used and usually pretty large speakers. I only look at items within my driving range as shipping is simply risky. I always check sellers feedback and listen/inspect on site. Pretty straightforward for me at least.  
Please recommend King Crimson albums…
I would agree that the first 4 albums sound like the most likely ones which you'll enjoy. The first two with Greg Lake are likely the most up your alley but you already know those.   
Bluesound recent update 4.0 tanked sound quality ???
I use a Node 2i and and external DAC. I notice no difference in the sound. New interface seems better and still getting used to it. I updated both the Node and the IOs apps.  
If I rip all my CD's to flac files do I still need a CD transport?
I have 3 copies of my music library, one master and then two backups. It is super simple and cheap to backup a music library. In fact it is orders of magnitude easier than saving CDs and then potentially re-ripping the audio files. Yes all HDs fa... 
If I rip all my CD's to flac files do I still need a CD transport?
I have all ripped audio files years ago and haven't used a CD player in about 10 years. I put my resources into the DAC and streamer. Plus the occasional HD as the library grows. Be sure to keep it backed up.   
Gapless playback of FLAC files.
FWIW, wheather the blue ray player (the renderer) gets the flacs from a PC or directly from a USB stick it still won’t play gapless.   
Gapless playback of FLAC files.
During the pandemic I got JRiver and played with all types "renderers". DVD players, Blueray players, Sonos speakers TVs etc. With JRiver I can see a variety of details at the renderer level which is key. A very large amount of my music is gapless... 
Dropouts when steaming with WiFi connection (Amazon Music).
Sounds like your wifi in house is not strong. Assuming you have good internet service. Best solution is not an extender which generally stink. Upgrade to a mesh wireless network with 2 or 3 devices. Then you’ll have great wife coverage pretty much... 
NODE as just a streamer / Airplay device
Node works fine (I own two) for this but doesn't store any media. I have a large library of media that it connects to and sometimes use a USB drive. If you use the USB drive with media you can't use that connection for a DAC FWIW.  I have one usin... 
Node failing, surges?
mlsstl, yep that was the second thing I tried.       
Node failing, surges?
Gracias. I wish it would at least power up. Looks like they will send another but no feedback on what may be the cause. I suspect some surge as doubt their power supplies are that bad. When I get the new one I'll stick with wifi unfortunately and ... 
Node failing, surges?
There is no power light. And pretty sure there is no way for user to reset the newest Node. Still waiting to hear back from Bluesound. First came back as problem solved, probably cause they sent a new one 4 weeks ago.    If I get another will prob... 
Node failing, surges?
Thanks Eric. The Ethernet run is just 6ft. Thx for the recs on some ideas. If it seems like it is coming via Ethernet I may simply go wifi which I have done elsewhere. I post here as I troubleshoot.