

Responses from jcarcopo

I was celebrating my 10 birthday in 1985. I got my first Sharp BoomBox with cassette player. My first birthday cassette (picked out by my mother) was Styx Mr. Roboto 😁. RIP Lou!A moment of hiss for you sir!  
Holo Audio May DAC
@jjss49 I think he’s improved a bit. 😁 He catches himself when says something dorky or goes off script and makes light of it. I only brought him up because I know he reviewed both DACS in question back to back, so I thought it was relevant. Since ... 
Holo Audio May DAC
 @jjss49 I’ve heard one person say the Terminator+ is a bit brighter. I think it was a person who owned both, but it may have been a reviewer. It was a while agoRon at New Record Day on YouTube definitely preferred the Holo May KTE over the Termin... 
Holo Audio May DAC
@tarheeltraveler I'm in complete agreement with your comments.  I freaking love my Holo May KTE DAC more than any other and I'll never listen to a chip based DAC again.  Simply, it's a perfect piece and a daily joy.Jon in Raleigh, NC  
Tekton Double Impacts
I loved my Double Impacts, but I'm in love with my Encores. I still have no intention of upgrading anytime ever.  To me, the MTM array gives you more detail, no harshness, and better sound staging.  The bass is a huge upgrade over my DIs. They wer... 
Holo Audio May DAC
@lordcloud Sorry for the delay, I don’t get updates on this thread even though I’m subscribed for some reason.The Benchmark DAC3 HGC is a great Sabre chip based dac, but the Matrix XSabre Pro MQA DAC is $2k and a superior sounding dac. There’s a s... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I've had my Holo May KTE DAC for a couple of months now. It's as impressive today as it was the day I got it.  It never dissapoints.  I do now use HQPLAYER and Roon, but I actually prefer PCM 20bits (per Jussi)/1.536MHZ to DSD512.  I find it a tad... 
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
Welcome to Tekton @protoss71. I was simply told to disregard these things.   I will say, they sound awesome though.  
Holo Audio May DAC
@cal3713 No worries, glad to help. I'm convinced you would have to spend well over $12k-$15k to get near a comparable dac stateside.  
Holo Audio May DAC
@cal3713 I've own the Benchmark Media DAC 1, DAC 1 USB,  DAC 2 HGC, and the Matrix XSabre Pro MQA DAC, Ayon Stealth DAC/Pre tube dac. I've heard others at shows, but those are the one I've owned over 20 years.  
Holo Audio May DAC
@snackeyp Thanks, It's been a nonstop marathon of music playing since I've received the May! I am (and have been for 20 years) running source direct to my amplifiers because I have no analog sources to speak of, and have always preferred the more ... 
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
Congrats dude, have fun!  
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
@protoss71 I had both 4/8ohm taps on my Art Audio and my Allnic A6000 Monoblocks. The Encore is a 4ohm speaker.  Congrats on getting yours in.  Update us when you come.  I'm really enjoying my Friday with my new Holo Audio May KTE r2r dac that sho... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I got my May KTE DAC in way early. OMG! I’ll never buy a chip based DAC again. This thing makes music transcendental. It’s so damned detailed and yet so natural sounding. I hear everything, every little microdynamic nuance. This has surpassed my g... 
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
@protoss71 Yeah I copied what used to be on site a couple of years ago. Not sure how mine compare to the newest ones produced.  I do know he got rid of the midbass ports recently too. He also lowered the price from what I paid originally.