Responses from jdaniel13
Heifetz' Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto Classic Rec Thanks Eldartford, tried two Oistrahk's but went back to Heifetz. (Though I can't recommend a MHS of father and son performing enough: very good Melodiya recording.) Will try them again tonite. | |
Heifetz' Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto Classic Rec MWallwer: it's from '56. I know of no other performance that is as hair-raising as the Heifetz/Reiner finale. Enjoy the music. : ) | |
Exotic Reissue Lps VS. Rare orig Which one? $$=$$ Fushia, it sounds like you already answered your question. I've found that some of the 45rpm re-issues sound better than originals. One in particular is the fabulous Mercury Prokofiev Scythian Suite and Love for Three Oranges. I have two FR origin... | |
Heifetz' Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto Classic Rec I own an original too, it proves that not all "shaded dogs" have that glorious silky string sound. I believe it's from '56? The sound is not what I would call "distorted," but there is a hardness in forte massed string passages. But oh, what a rom... | |
What is under $5k speaker with best bass slam? What is your CD player? A player with an undernourished output stage wont get the slam to the speakers. The Marantz SA14 v.2 was best I've heard in the low-mid priced category, though I have a turntable now. | |
Looking for $20k system for Mahler No 6 My my Ajahu, your *are* scandalized. The "naked" comment was metaphor for fetish, as I believe that--beyond a certain point-- spending so much on stereo equipment becomes fetish, nothing more. Perhaps if English is your second language, it didn't ... | |
Looking for $20k system for Mahler No 6 Ajahu, please. Eastern European orchestras are among the best in the world, and know their Mahler. They are also among the last to put music before money. For now. No need to pound your scandalized bosom, the above was my only point. | |
Looking for $20k system for Mahler No 6 Hire an Eastern European orchestra to perform it for you for $10K. Naked for $15K.Seriously, if you want such a system, go for it, no class envy here. However, some of my most intense listening experiences have been mono recordings and early stere... | |
Your favorite Sheherazade LP ? I'm glad you liked it, but it was on the Columbia label, and Columbia recording engineers did a criminal disservice to Ormandy and the Philly strings. Neither I nor my parents would buy anything that was *not* Ormandy when I was young. That said, ... | |
Classical Record Labels and Recording Engineers... Actually, I believe the earliest Everest had a black/silver label. I have the Everest Antil Corrobebee w/said label and it's quite good. I would also add Vox, with Abort/Nickrenz (sp) recording team. Yes, lp manufacture can be disappointing with r... | |
Why vinyl? Ojgalli writes, what's to gain on a digital lp? I'd take a digital lp any day over the same CD, at least for orchestral music. Presumably, the Lp is cut directly from the master digital tape, which preserves the hi-rez. The tape is "number-crunche... | |
Why vinyl? Oh, I forgot to mention, Telarc records in '82 were $16.99. I bought one in Musicland. An audiophile label of course, just like the $30 new lp's of today. Let's not forget the huge weight, (and today's freight charges) involved in getting the lp's... | |
Why vinyl? Ihcho, it may or may not make you feel better, but the cost of new vinyl in the '70's--$8.99 to $11.99 for Classical on major labels--probably gets very close to $30 in today's money. Inflation calculator anyone? : ) | |
Why vinyl? I've been into vinyl for two years. I think it's unbeatable (and its advantages most obvious) with any music recorded in which the engineer's aim was to preserve the original acoustic as well. As an orchestral musician for 26 years, I've never hea... | |
Vandersteen 3A Sig vs. Von Schweikert VR4 Jr. CBman, as I mentioned, I own the same speaker and marvel daily about they're delicacy as well as they're explosive qualities. I use a turntable to get such results, but I'm now reminded of my search for CD players and how different they all sounde... |