

Responses from jdave

What Matters and What is Nonsense
@markalarsen :  Amen to that. And a good Dac can sound very musical when matched with other electronics (okay ... and speakers) that have been selected for a particular sound.And sorry, ! was away from posting for a while till support fixed a glit... 
Phono stage and cartridge
Cartridge selection certainly makes a lot of different in the sound, but I also find that mating the right tube preamp with a SS power amp makes for a very smooth, detailed, musical sound. And usually even adds to the sound-stage.Just a thot.Dave  
What Matters and What is Nonsense
I agree that room dynamics and speaker placement are crucial, but for me, I think Elizabeth is more on the ball. I've only been at this for about a year now (although I've probably crammed in 3-4 years of research), and I find that the front end i... 
What Matters and What is Nonsense
+2 Marlalarsen. The front end is critical for me.My old Kef 107s seem to make anything sound very good, except poor recordings or masterings (I really don't know which). But it wasn't till I got my MF Dac that I actually considered for a moment, d...