

Responses from jerryrocks

What speaker do you passionately want to demo?
@kennycThanks Ken - so I will add these to my list of 1! I listen to Magico A5's and truly believe it would take a lot to improve my lot. 
What speaker do you passionately want to demo?
For some strange reason I am wanting to give the Joseph Audio Pearls a listen. Can anyone shed some light on what these are about? 
More watts or better power ?
I disagree with the generalization that more power is better. My Marantz 1060 at 30 wpc sounds better than most amps with 100, 200, 300 etc. It is all about the sound. It drives my outdoor speakers and they can obtain concert level sound with exce... 
In no order:Promises - Eric ClaptonComes a Time - The DeadWalls - Tom PettySongbird - Fleetwood MacWhiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisly ft. Alison KrausDon't Know Why - Norah JonesSo Far Away - Dire Straits 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
Marantz 1060 - original amps provide the best sound. Refurbished becomes necessary at some point. I have mine driving my outdoor Klipsch rock speakers and am constantly amazed at the musical qualities it is able to produce. Tried a couple of more ... 
Favorite Guitar Solo
A huge Jerry fan (obviously) - china cat/rider, althea, sugaree across a number of shows. I have to admit Post Toasty by Tommy Bolin is tasty. Plus 1 for David Gilmore, Duane Allman, Dickie Betts, Jeff Baxter, and Larry Carlton. And of course, the... 
Magico compared to Tannoy
As a Magico owner (A3 -> A5) I am admittedly biased. Driving them with Mac tube equipment gives them the soul they may otherwise lack with solid state. Being able to listen at a wide range of volume with complete satisfaction is a new plateau f... 
The Absurdity of it All
to paraphrase Jerry, 'if it sounds good it'll sound better loud..'smoking some of your favorite strain also helps 
Best skiinny floorstanders
Big Plus 1 for Magico A3’s. Full transparency / I’m selling mine to move up to the A5’s under the category more is better. Right in the middle of your price point and as new.  
Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)
If you are truly after the warm, spatial sound of tubes, go McIntosh and be done with it. 
Warm romantic & detailed
+1 - MAGICO A3s with big tube amp buy it ASAP. I run my A3's with a Mac MC275 and C2300 pre, streaming through a MCD 500 CD/DAC and Bluesound Node 2i. REL 7ti for the low end. Sublime. 
Who are your three favorite female singers?
Norah JonesDiana KrallEmily King (you really need to listen to her) 
Frustrated McIntosh Owner
Love McIntosh gear! Audio Classics has a couple of used MC611’s in excellent condition. Give Derek a call! 
JBL 4367 shoutiness remedies?
As a proud and satisfied 4367 owner I’d like to add my thoughts. First off, I’m a deadhead so there’s that. I mated mine with Mac / MC275 Mk V, C2300 and MCD500 used as both a CD player and DAC for my Bluenode2i. I also run a Rel 7ti as I like mus... 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
Here's a pretty good thread on the 70's sound - https://www.gearslutz.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-and-electronic-music-production/765626-what-makes-up-quot-70s-sound-quot.htmlJust the sheer amount of amazing music coming from that decad...