Responses from jib222
Synergistic Red Fuse ... CharlesI installed the SR black fuse in my Shindo Auregies - TOTAL MAGIC - I now hear the plucking of the strings, detail that I never knew existed - not to repeat, but like the "fog has been lifted" This is the best and cheapest upgrade ever - ha... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Will do, but first the EAR 834P!! | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... I have one word re the SR Black Fuse - WOW!! I installed one in my Dared 2a3 amp last week, let it "cook" for about 50 hours and very little difference. After reading these posts, I tried turning it the other direction. The difference is sort o... | |
Stillpoint Ultra 5 v Nordost Sort Fut for Speakers I haven't heard the sort feet but the titanium Kones beat the stillpoints ss any day! | |
Ayon Triton running only one channel I have the Orion 2 and same problem. I brought mine back to Charlie and they found nothing wrong. He did say to try different output tubes (it came with black treasures). That will be next step.Curious, do all of you have BT tubes or Ayon tubes? | |
Ayon Orion 2 or Prima Luna Dialogue Premium Int.? Buy the Ayon. Amazing amp. Replaced input tubes with amperex nos and just incredible, lifelike music!Came with Shunguang Black Treasure KT88 tubes | |
Morrow Audio Ref 3 or Ref 4 speaker cable?? I believe all the Morrow cables outperform the Nordost cables.I had several in the past and the Morrow cables easier blow them out of the water. You will not be sorry and if so just return them witin 60 days for full refund. | |
Tube amp for ProAc Tablette Anniversary I have the Tablette 8s paired to the Jolida BRC202 amp - Magical combination as long as you have the right cables (Morrow blow all others away) and a good REL sub. Also try Shindo Appetite - You could buy used for a bit over $4K. | |
R.I.P. Dan Mazza I just found out today - Emailed him about a pair of speakers. What a shock. Hopefully he's in a better place now and that AZ Hi-Fi will go on. | |
REL T ZERO VS. T2 ScottThanks for your advice - very much appreciated. | |
Jolida 302B speaker recommendation 12/2/2011 I'm using the Wharfedale 10.1 w/ the 202BRC - Sounds incredible. With the extra money, buy good Nordost speaker cables and upgrade the tubes! | |
KT88s for Audio Research VS55 There is absolutely no comparison between the Krell and ARC - as they say "tubes rule"!!Thanks everyone for your thoughts - Eventually I will probably try a better quality 6550, maybe cryo'd.Regards, Jason. |