Responses from jim204
What hi res file is better 96/24 or 192/16 ? If it were me downloading I would go for the 24 bit solution as I would rather have 24 than 16 bit. 24gives a better dynamic range (all things being equal )than 16 bit. Also remember if this is a download then there is a good chance the 24 bit sig... | |
chinese counterfeitng Yes you are so right there are fake big name cables on E-Bay every day. | |
akm4497 vs. ess9038pro I agree wholeheartedly with shadorne he's bang on there. as an example I have the Oppo Sonica DAC which uses the ESS chips and after a bit of after warranty tinkering ( new caps, silver wire throughout and RFI clamps on Longish runs ) I feel it ca... | |
Headphone options with 'Stat line transients? I am rather fond of Sennheiser HD800s phones of which I own a pair I think you should put them on your list. The treble is really extended and they are super comfy also. | |
What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000 If I had ten grand to spend on used speakers it would be big active ATCs. | |
Tidal streaming and classical music I don't know if you get Quobuz over there as I am in UK but I have it and think it is first class. When I was looking around for a streaming service I put my old stallwart in their search engine which is Charles Valentin Alkan and it came up with ... | |
BBC Radio 3: Female Sibilance Killing Me Radio 3 is my musical bread and butter and there is not a day goes by that I don't either stream it or catch up with concerts on the I Player. I do not have the trouble you have with sibilants though but for one girl who unfortunately has a small ... | |
Ultimate DAC I love your PS Audio Dac as my friend has one and everything it plays sound so smooth and it makes a super Pre Amp also. My ultimate dac if I had the money would be the Gryphon Kalliope, that beast is in a class of it's own. | |
Which DAC as a preamp? Personally I havn't heard any of those listed above but a sugestion I would make would be the PS Audio Direct stream DAC. My friend has one and I find it to be very clean with Airy highs and it upsamples to DSD. If I had to buy a dac tomorrow it w... | |
DAC Selection @ejr1953 I find all digital equiptment responds to really good mains regulation. I use one on my dac and music computer and have to say it make a big difference to both.In the PC it really cleaned up the noise floor and now i can play at any volum... | |
Is USB audio dying? I don't think it is dying but just evolving as it was never in the first place meant as a music carrier and when used with a good Dac and a really good reclocking device then it gets up to the standard of other connections. | |
DAC trends.. There lies the conumdrum, my friend has the PS Audio Direct stream DAC and I have the Oppo sonica DAC heavily modified and both those units have upsampling to DSD the Sonica is ether DSD or native PCM at huge increments. I happen to really like th... | |
DAC Selection I would certainly recommend The PS Audio Direct Stream DAC as it is the most natural sounding DAC I have heard at the price. In fact the only DAC I heard that was better and not that much to effect the horrific price difference between them was th... | |
Best speaker/system piano concerts Aside from wanting a speaker that is good for this or that I have to say that I would be loath to find out that a speaker system I was interested in was peviously owned by someone who was into heavy metal music. Reason being that the music played ... | |
Are there any really good cd cleaners out there? @syntax My favorite one is Macallan. just this minute saw your post. Being a canny Scot I have used Macallan and Cardhu before but made sure it went through my bladder first !!!! |