
Discussions jim94025 has started

Dynamic vs Static VTF on a SME V. Can someone explain the differences in sound?8200
Suggestions for Headshell Leads 11914
Kiseki Purple Heart NS to Dynavector xv-1s ??173611
Hana Umami Red vs Dynavector xv-1s29725
Burning in newly rebuilt crossover capacitors25625
Cary Audio SLP-05 vs Coincident Statement Line Stage21846
High vs low internal impedance cartridges....Is there a sonic signature for each type?584311
SME V and cartridge spacer356420
Importance of phase and timing optimization when incorporating sub woofers ?481724
Calling all Legacy Aeris owners48245
Looking to demo Cary SLP 05 preamp12641
Soundstage, layering and tube differences287816
Looking for help retubing Cary V12R mono blocks16886
Tenting home for termites388517
Best furniture to act as bass trap784911