Responses from jimrobie
Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings? I think the seller, making it clear that he feels no obligation to respond to every low ball offer is just good communication. if the offer is close enough that he feels it's worth his time to respond then he will. Nothing personal either way, j... | |
Are Their any Tube Preamp with Home Theater Bypass? Yes, plenty. Sonic Frontiers for one. BAT. I would guess the majority do | |
Who is Gonna Buy A New Jeep Grand Wagoneer For the MacIntosh Stereo? I really do find it amazing. a 30 second ad with 25 seconds dedicated to those blue meters. Hardly Anything about the car. Test drove one years ago. just plan for 3 extra seconds if you plan to pass someone as the transmission is downshifting th... | |
Buyer Beware Yep and lots of good advice. I had it happen to me. PayPal ultimately did right, but they sucked to deal with. Tried to notify them immediately but there is NO One to talk to and they slow walk the whole process. Agon was very responsive, But t... | |
How Electricity Actually Works Yes about all of the above. i was referring, in the future, not needing anything but a local household distribution system - Solar and adequate battery storage and skip the inverter. No high amperage electric resistance appliances in the house. ... | |
Sonic frontiers I've been very happy with my SF Line Stage 2. Very quiet, solid and well built, good controls, great remote. No regrets. Parts Connections does service and refurbish if needed which is another huge place. | |
How Electricity Actually Works I think and i guess i hope that we are heading back to DC current. Solar panels and Wind Power generate DC, Batteries store in DC, LED run on DC, really efficient motors use inverters to produce clean 3 phase A/C, but could skip the loss of the i... | |
Installing dedicated 10 gauge lines Before you do any of this determine if you really need to. Get a good quality multimeter (Fluke) and set at a suitable scale/resolution to determine if you have any voltage drop while using your equipment. Your amp will certainly be your highest... | |
Do larger planar speakers produce more accurate sound? I disagree with the comment about room interactions. Most planar speakers are dipole and actually are designed for room interactions. You send an identical sound wave into a wall or corner and it is irrelevant if that sound wave was generated f... | |
Which Tweeter preferred- dome natural material, Beryllium/Metal or Planar Ribbon? Why? Maggie True Ribbon. no contest. and i've listened to good examples of Silk dome, Metal, alum, BE, Ring. honestly i've modified speakers with new tweeters. i have favored some of the Ring Radiators compared to the dome and they seemed to have b... | |
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference? i'm gonna change the numbers just to make it simpler. the $2000 speakers have no value 5 years from now. $10,000 speakers might still fetch $5,000 after 5 years and they may have been "$5000 more enjoyable". Commodity equipment has little resid... | |
Solid state amp recommendations for Maggies? I have Maggie 3.7i and I am currently running them with them between a Bryston 4BST and BAT VK655SE. I have also used Parasound (two thumbs down) and Upgraded Haflers DH600 (Good). the Brystons win easily. If you really want a mellow sound and ... | |
Tube Preamps that work well with SS amps? I have been using a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 with both Bryston 4BST and a BAT VK655SE. No issues either way. Both sound wonderful, but different. The BAT lacks the imaging and impact of the Bryston. Yes i was Very Surprised especially about the ... | |
"warm" solid state integrated amplifier I recently purchased a 3 year old BAT VK655SE in your price range. My most recent amp was a Bryston 4BST and I'm driving Magnepan 3.7i. The BAT definitely has endless power reserves, slightly better control of the lower bass and fit's your "warm"... | |
Why do my bass drivers shake violently listening to vinyl sounds to me like there may be a very low frequency feedback loop. you may not hear it at the distance or volume you are listening. the structure may be responding and resonating 20 - 30 feet away. your mechanical pick up on the cartridge, tone... |