

Responses from jinjuku

Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Al's argument would be for not using copper based RJE of all UTP stripes however. It doesn't paint a picture for one really expensive, $233 a foot in my case, shielded cable vs $0.90 per foot shielded cable.  
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Are you using a purpose built streamer or a computer / DAC combination?If it's a streamer what is it? 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
While I can accommodate any number of cables (actually up to 7) with my switch (I also have 48 port switches with L3) by expanding the LAG group to additional ports I would like to not open this up to a bunch of cables unless wgutz feels that it w... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
To be clear I'm proposing Source<>Switch<>Client That would be like: Tidal<>Router<>Client 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Can you give me the current topology of your networked audio? The reasons for the switch. For one I’m taking a page out of a setup where there is Router<>Switch<>Switch<> Endpoint. https://www.extremetech.com/computing/174991-inc... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Would it be presumptuous of us to expect an apology from jujitsu after his little get together?Geoff,Exactly what would I be apologizing for? To date I've at the least used everyone's handle here. WGutz,I would like to see if the 3rd weekend in ... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
So we went from: And cables, including Ethernet (Cat 5, 6, 7 & 8), make a world of difference. to 3rd, I have two five meter 6A cables. One from Blue Jeans and one home made (with my friends). from Western Electric specialty made ethernet tha... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Did someone forget to put out the Roach Motels last night? I don't now about the Roach Motels, but the can of yellow paint has been clearly opened and copiously used. 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
The next to last comment on the 1st page of this discussion by Milpai is the straightforward truth. Just because you or your equipment can’t hear the difference in quality cables doesn’t mean the difference doesn’t exist for others. I’ve had syste... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
The trouble with pseudo skeptics is they’re not equipped to deal with reality. It’s all about attention, you know, like the YouTube video currently under discussion. I'm willing to deal with the reality of showing the community at large, via a... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
Everyone understands here how music is being streamed off Ethernet and played back. That’s news to me.I have a simple question:When you are playing back music and the Ethernet cable is disconnected and you still hear music. What happens to the SQ... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
No one listens to music with their cables 'unplugged'. Since you don't believe in 'cable makes a difference' there is not much to discuss or debate here. Ethernet as a protocol and cable is the only cable in all of audiophiledom that I know of t... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
The reason is ethernet data is transmitted asynchronously to the buffer on demand and when the buffer is lower the device will call for more data   Gosh, that's fascinating. It's clear Geoff doesn't understand what this means and what the impl... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
A place to start is forums where those with certain DACs claim a big difference with a reclocker or audio USB bridge. Why would I need to do that. There are three posters here that have answers for everything. 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
The plural of anecdotal is not data.