

Discussions jjss49 has started

Good to remember ... how to tell what sounds better298221
Teach me about cartridge 'retipping'1513061
Keith Jarrett on the importance of audio sound quality588625
Anyone with experience with Spendor D9's?485313
Mini Toslink adapters... degrade sound?15683
Metrum Acoustics DACs MQA board15000
Suggestions for solid state balanced linestage with remote, $2000 or less147510
Wisdom of buying high priced digital gear (given new advancements underway)441230
Tube amplifier bias current question...25815
Mono recordings - two questions...370028
Townshend Elite Rock Mk III / Rega RB300 tonearm question368510
VPI JMW arm users - question... are these low/med/high mass arms???11880
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?2475495
Zu Audio Denon 103 2.5 gram tracking force - record wear?50384
Distortion mystery -- MC cart mistracking? / transformer / head amp input saturation??465320