Responses from jkscherk
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK... If it come into play, and I'm sure it does, I am using the just released Peachtree Nova 500 integrated. Gobs of power and very neutral-sounding unit. | |
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK... I am really looking forward to what the setup at Axpona is going to sound like. I'm sure they'll have some A3s around there somewhere. Those rooms are notoriously bad so it will be good to see how they interact. I'm still lovin' mine! :-) | |
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK... As another actual A3 owner, I'd also attest to the POV that they are not dark at all. As one other member said, they do not have a tipped up high-end of the spectrum to make them sizzle like many of their peers do that get much of the attention a... | |
Sonos or Mac as Source? Thanks for the tip on the plug. I had heard that was a solution for screen sharing lag. I didn't know it would be needed if you were using a remote app as well.My core question remains however..will the Mini+Audirvana combo be any better than the ... | |
Sonos or Mac as Source? I briefly tried using my Macbook to control the headless Mini but the lag time on actions was kind of crummy. I have yet to try one of the remote apps for an iPad. Sonos interface just works so damn well!! Makes it hard to want to mess with someth... | |
Mac Mini doesn't "see" Peachtree Grand So going back and forth with the Peachtree Audio guys (very helpful BTW) they determined there was a current leak across the USB ports between the Mini and the Grand. If I used my Apple Cinema monitor, which has a grounded plug as well as needing ... | |
Mac Mini doesn't "see" Peachtree Grand Tried all the ports and I never installed any drivers on the MacBook Pro. I will try another cable.. The initial one was just a cheapo I had lying around from a printer. The X-1 version I have, isn't supposed to need any drivers. Might just have t... | |
Sonos Products I will chime in here too. I have several ZP80s around the house for convenience and overall usage they are fantastic. In my main rig, I use a ZP80 into a Monarchy DIP then into a PS Audio DAC 3, then on to my Cary SLP-03 preamplifier and McIntosh ... | |
Cullen Modded Sonos vs Monarchy DIP Gsherwood53--what file format are you using for your rips? Currently I have everything ripped in ALAC format, but I'm considering reripping in AIFF. I don't really like the WAV format as it only supports navigating in a file-folder structure from ... | |
video processor & hdmi You should check out the new DVDO Edge. Not as tweakable as the VP50, but uses the same deinterlacing and scaling chips, has dual HDMI outs (one for A/V one for A only) and is only $799! Just about to be released. | |
AIFF Codec I was under the impression that AIFF had little or no tagging/metadata support. If it does, would it be the best way to have uncompressed audio and still get all of the track/album info as well? I started out with WAV, but switched over to Apple L... | |
Sonos DAC So I just learned the hard way about how poor the support is for WAV files within Sonos. I ripped my entire collection (300+) CDs and setup my Sonos system only to find that the only way to play tunes is navigating a file folder structure. Ugh!! I... | |
Apple TV vs. Mini vs, Sonos Is there any sonic advantage to AppleTV v. Squeezebox/Duet if you're feeding and external DAC? Does one setup have more reliability/stability when streaming over your network? | |
iTune screwing up WAV file data? Oh...Now I get it. In that case, I guess you're reliant on having to reuse the same hard drive, or have the drive mirrored in a backup.It also seems to me that depending on what hardware you use for reproduction, you should chose the file format a... | |
iTune screwing up WAV file data? I'm curious to what you guys mean my not tagging it correctly? I've been torn among which format to use as I want the absolute best sound into my 2-channel system and don't use the library for my iPod. Storage space is a non-issue. Therefore I tho... |