
Responses from jl35

My Oppo 105 finally bricked. Streamer suggestions?
Cambridge is direct selling (on ebay too), the CXN V2 as refurbished for $749 ... great streamer for that price...   
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?
also important to remember that many/most here are amateur sellers...  
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?
I am often quite surprised at both how much, or how little some items sell for...and sometimes it makes sense not to sell if you can't get price you want...it doesn't stay in closet but often get used in new system...  
Inexpensive Streaming
is pro better sound quality than mini, more features, or both ?  
Magnepan Upgrades, Silver and New Crossovers!
Magnepans sound great as is...but can be improved with various tweaks or rebuilds, some of which can be quite expensive, though some are cheap...sometimes have to decide between tweaks and stepping up a model or two...and after years of debate, Ma... 
Tidal login problem using Oppo Sonica
thanks soix   
Tidal login problem using Oppo Sonica
the only options my Sonica offers are Tidal and Spotify  
Tidal login problem using Oppo Sonica
I have a highly modified Ric Schultz/EVS Sonica, and now it's looking like a great DAC/Preamp and no longer a streamer...  
Magnepan Upgrades, Silver and New Crossovers!
I was very happy with Mike Powell's silver jumpers and fuse replacement, inexpensive (my set was $75 ) and almost instant install...  
Tidal login problem using Oppo Sonica
just tried and couldn't log in...I've been logging in successfully on this machine for 6 years  
How good is my SONY XDR-F1HD ?
absolutely do the mods if you can do yourself...  
Is the XA25 a realistic option for LRS’s?
The listed power for Pass XA amps is for Class A operation, and as other responses show, they put out way more into Class AB...for many it is plenty good for the LRS+ and for others not...Magnepan told me they like to see 350 watts into 4 ohms for... 
Setting up home office
I'm using Elac Carina Tower and Totem Sky Towers in rooms slightly smaller than yours, one is home office...  
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally!
I have found replacing the jumpers and fuses to be quite helpful and inexpensive..Magnepan is now offering upgrade stands for some of their models ...  
What's your experience with snooty HiFi salesmen?
Audio Dimensions was a great place...I've never really had problems with sales people at audio stores, though certainly some much better than others...and it has to be rough on them, having so many walk-ins, knowing they want to audition, but will...