Responses from jmcgrogan2
Looking to purchase 804 Diamonds on Audiogone There is no way to save a search on Audiogon, as far as I know.However, you can save searches on Hifi Shark, which scopes several audio sites, including Audiogon. | |
The most transparent speaker cable What I like in solid core cables is that they giving me the best and coherent bass I heard but at a price of the transparency. Of all three, the most transparent however was the Russian noname solid core AC in-wall cable but it lacks the bass ... | |
Looking to upgrade pre amp and looking for suggestions I would think that it would depend on what you are looking for sonically. Of those that you mention, I've owned the BAT VK-51SE and the ARC Ref 3. I've also had the VK-32SE in my system for an extended audition.The BAT VK-51SE and the ARC Ref 3 ar... | |
Priorities... @freediver , absolutely stunning that a speaker manufacturer would claim that speakers are the most important part of the audio chain. I'm surprised that Time magazine did not cover that earth-shattering news release.BTW, his name is Bill Duddlest... | |
Where do you go to from Nottingham Analogue ? AJ Conti's Basis tables have always impressed me as nice high end tables at more reasonable prices than Walker or Rockport.Galibier Design and Redpoint Audio also makes some very nice turntables. | |
Phono/preamp/amp chain. One of them tube the others SS. Which one? You could kill two birds with one stone as they say, and buy one full function tube preamp. I just saw a VAC Renaissance mk II with MC/MM phono stage just sold recently. Maybe another full function VAC will come along, or a CAT, or maybe an Atma-S... | |
Phono/preamp/amp chain. One of them tube the others SS. Which one? I am running Reference 3A Grand Veena speakers, the original version with Murata supertweeter. Still can’t be beat for the $$$. I can afford to spend more on speakers, I just can’t seem to figure out why.As for nothing beats great separates, you m... | |
Phono/preamp/amp chain. One of them tube the others SS. Which one? I will also consider VAC all tube integrated. How would VAC preamp work with Rowland 8T? @inna ,I'm running a VAC 160iSE right now, very nice. I would think that a VAC preamp would work well with the 8T. The Model 8's 36K input impedance should... | |
What is going on? No-one buys good stuff priced right. @inna , yes, traditionally summer is the slower season, as many spend their disposable income on other ventures, vacations, boats, etc.However, last winter was the slowest winter I recall seeing on the used market for sellers in over two decades, ... | |
Phono/preamp/amp chain. One of them tube the others SS. Which one? If limited to just one tube chassis in the chain, I would choose a SS phono stage, tube line stage, and SS amp, as rcprince has chosen.Fortunately, I am not limited, and all three stages in my chain are tubed. | |
What is going on? No-one buys good stuff priced right. It's been a buyers market for over a year now. Probably a variety of reasons, declining pool of audiophiles, declining incomes, upcoming elections causing lack of consumer confidence.Who knows? All I know is it's a great time to be a buyer, but a ... | |
Cart Recommendations IMHO, demoing anything, even cables, in an unfamiliar room/setup can be challenging at best. I have purchased speakers that sounded entirely different when I've gotten them setup in my room. Even if the dealer is using the same gear and cables as ... | |
Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems Vitus Audio FM Acoustics | |
Mogami Check with Audiogon member imjerrys.He has some ads posted here, he may be able to do custom lengths. | |
Most compatible speaker/interconnect and power cables with ARC ref system? Is it best to choose one manufacturer for pc, interconnects and speaker cable (the whole is better than the sum of its parts type of argument) or should each component be tested one at a time and each one be judged on its merit? This is a com... |