Responses from joekapahulu
Considering McIntosh MA352 Funny, I have heard lots of positives about this amp and very few negatives...mostly from the "mac is not high end crowd". My answer is to go and listen for yourself. Its your money and your ears. It is worth the time and if it costs a little to t... | |
Competitive class D amp suggestions Listened to a couple different Class D amps last year from Rogue. I thought they were ok played thru Gallo and Dali speakers. I found both models a little bright. I actually enjoyed the CM3 more which is a tube integrated though not particularly t... | |
Vintage Integrated Amplifiers With Great Sound Generally anything vintage that is in good shape and has superior sound will cost you as much if not more than buying modern gear. And, if it is not in great shape then you will end up spending so much on it to bring it up to spec that you again w... | |
Belles Aria integrated compared to the Signature Compared them side by side back in October in NJ thru Vandy Treos. Both very good. My sense was that the Sig delivered more of the same as the Aria but added more refined bass, clear power advantage, increased clarity of music overall and a greate... | |
Can someone suggest a lush tube integrated under $3000 used I would agree on the CJ Cav models. I used a 45 for awhile and it was quite nice with the same kind of music you reference on my 2nd set of speakers, Kef R3s. It was not as good on my primary Ohm Walsh 2s which are more demanding. Still do think a... | |
Integrated vs. Separates on a Budget I noted in your comments you desire a warranty if used. That is not usually the case unless from some dealers in demo units. I think generally a $2-3k integrated will be superior to $1500 or so each separates. There may be some exceptions but you ... | |
Tube Preamps that work well with SS amps? Just curious on this one. I run a Terry DeWick upgraded McIntosh MC250 which I like alot powering Ohm Walsh 200S3s with an Acurus RL11 of 12 as pre. I have felt the ss pre could be a weakness and had it upgraded but still wondered if a tube prea... | |
Hum on inputs of new Rogue Sphinx v3 Thx. Will try that on next trip. | |
SS Budget "Tone" Integrated Amplifiers Marantz pm 8005 now 8006 is a very good sounding amp for $1000-1100 new, built in Japan Reference factory with 3 year warranty, good current, runs multiple speakers. I have enjoyed one for 5 years. For $2200, Belles Aria is excellent, neutral, c... | |
Loudness - Why has the industry stopped producing amplifiers with this feature any longer? I listen 80% late at night in my living room beneath the master bedroom. After too many complaints from my wife I tried Sennheiser HD650 phones. Ok but good for max 1 hour due to declining comfort. Had an old McIntosh MA5100 with a Loudness swit... | |
Belles Aria Signature and other Int Amp recommendation I listened to both amps plus the Virtuoso for over an hour last month at Audio Connection thru Vandersteen Treos. I loved both Arias and am trying to decide which to buy. I felt the characteristics of the base model were retained and improved i... | |
What do you think is the best integrated amplifier under 1000 Been very happy with my Marantz PM 8005 which can be bought for around $1k new as 8006. I have had it for 5 years and it has been excellent as a well priced integrated that replaced vintage SAE separates. I am looking to upgrade now simply because... | |
Best Integrated that you've heard under $5k Interesting question in that I am presently looking for a new integrated in the $3k range (now probably the $5k range after various demos). SS likely due to the heat though I did listen to some tubes just for curiousity, Listened to a variety of p... | |
Best Integrated Amp (for me) I have Kef R300s a very similar speaker to the LS50s. I chose them after listening to both side by side for hours. The R300 had better bass and was more aesthetically pleasing to my SO. I drive mine with Marantz PM8005 now the 8006 for the last 5... | |
Any good high end shops in Indianapolis? Thanks for all the feedback. She has relatives near Indy so that is part of the draw. She actually grew up in Gary and apparently it had a nicer area that was at that point all white and others that were mixed. She goes back pretty often so I gues... |