
Responses from johnss

Looking for help retubing Cary V12R mono blocks
Have the same amp, I installed new sets of the Mullard re-issue EL34s, very musical sounding tube. if you like a more open top end, may want to consider the EH 6CA7 Fat bottles. Nice tubes.  
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
Have tried quite a few tubes in the HP Dia prem. The other nice sounding tube if you like the warmth of the EL34 is the re-issue Mullard KT88s. great midrange on that tube. would also suggest the EL 6CA7 Fat bottle. very musical sounding tube. hav... 
Next step up from the Dynavector 20x2 for more bass?
Before you toss the Dynavector, may want to measure the frequency response it is putting out. Need a test tone disc, or a NAB broadcast disc, and a voltmeter to measure each major freq band. you can always tweek the RIAA in your phono stage to mak... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Steve, as for your ARC amp,  I would check for lose socket pins or cracked solder joints where the tube socket is soldered to the PCB. Both can cause a tube to red plate.As for the PL Dialogue, they are nice sounding amps too. Pretty bullet proof ... 
Primaluna dialogue premium HP tube rolling suggestions to reduce brightness
Just an FYI. I owned both the Mk1 and Mk2 versions of the vtl TTs. You may want to consider a pair of EICO HF-30s. same Output tube complement, but better transformers. The HF-30s handily beat the pants off the mini VTLs. best.  
Primaluna dialogue premium HP tube rolling suggestions to reduce brightness
part of the brightness in the PL Dialogue and HP are the use of the SCR coupling caps. If you swap those out for Jensen Copper foil, you will get a midrange to die for and a 3 dimensional and airy top end. The first AU7 (center two tubes) will hav... 
12au7 or 12ax7
would agree with atmasphere. That first tube (12ax7) will likely have the largest impact on sonics. Another option is the 12at7 which will lower gain a bit. but to keep everything in balance, you should change out the 100k plate resistor for a 33k... 
Kenwood KR-9600
years ago, I bought one of these brand new. Lots of power. Even back then, the PS filter caps were worked pretty hard, and were prone to leaking. may want replace those first before you power it up.  
Prima Luna Prologue 3 rolled some tubes and...
try some better coupling caps. That amp will surprise you.  
Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated
can't comment on the integrated, but have the HP power amp. Seems to be able to drive just about any speaker. I also removed the stock SCR caps and inserted Jensen Copper foils. The Jensens are much more musical and organic sounding than the scrs.  
A/B comparison McIntosh MC275 MK IV vs. MC275 MK VI
If you want more mids, insert the Jensen copper foil coupling caps in place of the stock caps. no comparison.  
What is the resistor wattage used in the Dared VP-845?
double the R value and parallel two 1 watt resistors to get a 2 watter... 
Primaluna amplifier Prologue vs Dialogue Anyone heard both? Worth it?
in stock form, the dialogue premium is worth the extra money over the stock prologue. I own both. If you start upgrading caps, resistors, etc, then the gap is greatly reduced. The coupling cap upgrades are pretty easy. toughest part is selecting w... 
Tube Amplifier for Thiel
As others have noted, you need current with the Thiels. Medium sized SS or tube amps are not going to cut it.There are 3 options;1. buy the big CJ or VTL tube amps, but that will run you some coin. 2. buy a big SS amp, not as good as the tubes, bu... 
Top resistors
if a person installs the Vishays and hears too lean a sound, you are hearing what the circuit is really doing. hard to argue with a 30 db improvement in signal to noise. The main purpose of using vishay is to get a blacker background.I have re-wro...