Responses from jolywins
Heavy duty amp stand, Sonic benefits? When I get my system photo ready I will post it, however I am pretty intimidated which adds to delay. | |
Heavy duty amp stand, Sonic benefits? I use a home built stand just for the benefit of “air”. It doesn’t have a top or sides and it does have vents on bottom. Aesthetically beneficial, I don’t realize any audible change with or without. Just checked again to be sure ! | |
Jazz like this? Suggestions too much improvisation makes a performer unable to maintain a high standard? BS like that can only be said by a non-performer, a non-musician the jazz style you prefer can be heard worldwide in any elevator. Improvisation is the heart and soul of... | |
My Last CD player Linn cd players all the way back to the Mimic to me and many others have a nice warm analog sound most closely to vinyl that I have heard. I also had the California Audio Labs early model for a year with nice Linn like tone quality. Lastly you can... | |
Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned? Powered artificial (pre & amps) interaction is influential no matter which type distortion, how much distortion, how little distortion. The very acoustic backbone of sound is in the overtones. This is the math and science turned into art. Do y... |