Responses from joshua43214
Looking for a new DAC I have the Holo May KTE. It is a fantastic DAC. Upgrading from it will be a pretty expensive proposition. A big word of caution about the May and many other modern DACs: The May has a 5v output, much higher than the input range of many pre... | |
Thoughts on using a smart plug on intergrated amp. I would approach with caution, most smart plugs are not meant for high amp circuits. If you absolutely must, buy only from a reputable brand from an authorized dealer. I.E Schneider from Digikey or Mouser. Do not buy from Amazon, even if it fr... | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input My digital front end is a SGC i9 based optical server to an Optical Rendu to a Holo May KTE. The May is extraordinary. I have tried using both I2s and USB, the USB was better to my ears. My digital front end has undergone many changes over the l... | |
ACTUAL MUSICAL SOUND VS. MEASUREMENTS I might have some insight based on my own reactions to my own experience. As a scientist (I am actually a scientist), I really hate the notion that I can hear the difference between interconnects and speakers cables, and it really PO's me that... | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System I ordered coffee from a local store 10 days before Christmas. It made it to my local depot, disappeared and showed up about 1000 miles away in MO 2 days later. It then made it about 200 miles closer before going back MO. Nothing at all for a while... | |
How much dirt is too much dirt My old DAC was plugged into a power strip that it shared with the wall wart for my Chromecast Audio. Sometimes, I would have people over that wanted to listen to my system, and I would unplug the wall wart mid-song. Every time, folks would sit ... | |
GROUNDING - assistance on how NOT to shock yourself A lot of gear uses a "floating" ground (better called a neutral). With out knowing how your gear is wired, it is hard to say if using the grounding lug on your preamp is "safe." I would expect any decent phono preamp's TT ground lug to be "lifted"... | |
Tube Preamp with "pass through" for HT option? I have not noticed any difference between unity gain and pass through with home theater. So I would not quibble over the difference, either is fine as far as I am concerned. I had a BAT and a Cary. The Cary was decent, but actually sounded a bit ... | |
More potential bad news for some big names... Lots of negativity in this thread, we should lighten up a bit. People have less disposable income, so they will spend less on luxury items, hence the increase in sound bar sales. This is not a bad thing, it is a good thing. It means people are st... | |
Receiver Too Weak? Not all of the issue is the AVR, some of it is the sound engineering on the movie. I run into this a lot. Some movies have a perfect balance between speech and sound, others do not. I have a Denon that is supposed to be their "best" AVR for sound... | |
Burn Twetter Speaker To put things another way, you need sensitive speakers for low power amps, or powerful amps for insensitive speakers. For a decent sized room, I start thinking in terms of 200watts for an 89db speaker if I want it loud. Remember, it takes twic... | |
Why tube rectification? I will add something that has not yet been mentioned explicitly. What you are listening to from an amp/pre-amp is the power supply - not the signal being sent to it. It is a bit of a misnomer that we call these things amplifiers. It implies... | |
Physical degradation of CD's The laser will not degrade the CD. Some CDs get rot as mentioned above. The only concern I would have would be that it might be getting hot inside the player, and leaving a CD in a hot place for a long time can cause it to delaminate (rot). | |
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit I struggled with this for about 3 years. I needed a preamp with balanced out to go between my Manley Snapper monoblocks and my Holo May KTE DAC. Tried quite a few. In the end I wound up with a Levinson 523. Probably outside your budget even ... | |
Considering a Backert Rhythm 1.4, talk me out of it I ended up ordering a Mark Levinson 523 off the 'Gon. It should be here by the 17th :) I paid about the same price as the Rhythm 1.3 cost before the price hikes. It was a tough choice, but I feel pretty good about it. Not only did I get what is p... |