
Responses from jpan

Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
It’s supply and demand coupled with basically zero barrier to entry when it comes time to sell something. Look at how many new brands and new products from existing companies come out each year. I’m amazed sometimes at the sheer number of new ite... 
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker?
These: Borresen Marten Voxativ  Aurai Audio  
Multiple subwoofers work wonders
@tcutter thank you!    
Multiple subwoofers work wonders
+1 distributed bass array (James Romeyn's version as well) not to derail the topic, but I gotta ask: how do you like your Vinnie Rossi pre w/ your XA60.8s???      
Balanced vs RCA preamps
A word of caution. Just because there’s an XLR connection does not mean it is a truly balanced circuit. I’ve seen many implementations where it’s actually a single ended circuit transmitted via XLR connectors.  @rwwear — is that sarcasm?   
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp?
An integrated can be enough. It depends on what you want and your budget. Generally speaking you’ll get more out of separates.  RE: active vs. passive - I’d like counter that a passive “preamp” can be better. It sure has been a revelation in my s... 
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
@moto_man college radio or free form is the answer to keeping it fresh and interesting. You can stream it or go terrestrial if you can pick it up. Either way it’s a fun way to hear new things and surprise yourself. Or hear some of your favorite ... 
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
Yes, quite often (in the car, garage, etc). KALX 90.7 in the great state of Berkeley   Favorite DJs: Berkestir, Control Issues, Excuse My French, Kowalski, Rare Earth,  Sex 14s, Tumble Weed, and Vernal Pools  
Swarm, DBA, Audio Kinesis, and James Romeyn… I made the change about 4 years ago with help from JR Bosclaire (Wally Tools). And when I say help, I mean he did all the work and ... 
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Acora SRC-2 - special order or limited rare material  Will also leave you with some cash to get the right cables and, maybe down the road upgrade a component or two. I mean, c’mon, granite? And incredible sound. Easy choice.  * I’m partial to B... 
How many subs?
The answer is four. Check this out:  
Cube Audio speakers in Northern California?
Thank you @eric5kim  I'd love to try the Nenuphar with a First Watt SIT4. But now you have me thinking about tubes!  
Why isn’t more detail always better?
@ghdprentice @lalitk @whart and others — great points & discussion!  
Cube Audio speakers in Northern California?
I’ll second that @ozzy62. I’d love to hear your thoughts @eric5kim on each of those speakers. I’m intrigued by them all. Also what amps have you tried with them?  
Starting my showroom again
Glad you’re back on your feet. Your knowledge and ability to sell will be the keys to your success. There is an art and craft to retail. That extends to your selection of products. It will take time to develop your clients but it can be done.  I...