
Discussions jppenn has started

Coltrane's A Love Supreme and Davis's Kind of Blue535218
6sn7 tube question45896
Anyone running Wadia 581se through tube pre?23401
Question about 5u4 tubes ?32385
How to use my old B&W's with my new big screen??34468
Wadia 581se vs. Meridian 808??39972
Question about Meridian 80854996
Need cdp power cord recommendations.849017
The dumbest thing you ever did to your stereo?621413
Has anyone upgraded their preamp with V-caps?2260432
What wall outlet to purchase?51327
Anyone settled in on Purist Aqueous interconnects?825113
How do the Electro Harmonix 6sn7's sound?2453414
Question about shunyata Taipans and copperheads.62024
Reterminating a PS Audio statement power cord?40933