Responses from jrpnde
Best Record Cleaning Fluid cflayton has an excellent suggestion. I have no experience with Alconox but am quite familiar with Photoflo, also a surfactant which reduces the surface tension of a liquid. It comes in liquid form so no need to dissolve a solid substance. It is a... | |
The term "High End" needs to die. Long live Hi-Fidelity! If using scientific instruments to measure things such as distortion, S/N ratio, and a lot of other specs used to present products as superior to others then that's scientific. Sure, a $20K plus system would probably sound better in the same room ... | |
The term "High End" needs to die. Long live Hi-Fidelity! AAH...the poets are busy tonight. High Fidelity, High End, Audiophile, and all others are just adjectives to describe what each person wants to identify the subject of sound reproduction. Each of those terms have a different meaning to a lot of pe... | |
Another Cart opinion thread.... So many variables in the production of analog sound from vinyl....table, cart, preamp, amp, speakers, and a lot of other things. If you have a local dealer willing to lend equipment for a home trial you are very lucky. Take him up on his offer and... | |
My expert tips on building a sensible world class audio system. Sadly, I feel the frustration of the OP. I too made a very big mistake when I bought a Basis Work of The Art turntable (look up the price) and installed it into the trunk of my car since I love my treasured vinyl. To my disappointment, every time ... | |
Weight, Clamp or stabilizer? chakster....Thanks for your recommendation. From what I've found, the AT-616 isolation feet are no longer in production. There are some sites that list used ones of a price from $600 to $800. More than double the cost of my table and cartridge.So.... | |
Weight, Clamp or stabilizer? I am interested in the questions from the OP. I also have a vintage Pioneer table (PL-530) I bought new in the 70's. Have used different cartridges over the years and am now using a Grado Gold.Aside from playing less than flat records I have an in... | |
Bookshelf to replace Martin Logan Source I have no firsthand listening experience with the NAD C388. However, I do own a NAD C375BEE. Different from the 388 which is digital instead of analog. Without knowing the differences in these two amps this is what I have learned about my NAD expe... | |
I need help trying to decide which bookshelf speakers to purchase Can't comment on the NAD T777. NAD equipment has evolved to include more digital equipment than analog. That said.......I use a Nad C375BEE integrated for music only. Auditioned MANY bookshelf speakers and found that the clear winner was the PSB I... | |
What is the least compressed signal? The statement of the most previous poster is correct. Tape speed is most important as pertains to sound quality. Not mentioned thus far is 8 track tapes. Sure, they were large, clunky, and due to their poor construction they often ejected from the... | |
Black Ash..... It's all about personal tastes. If the listening room is furnished such that the speaker finish is important then that's a factor. I have seen rooms that are so elegant with lush furnishings that the speaker finish can add or subtract from the ove... | |
What a sad world we now live in....... blindjim.....If that's the first chapter of a book you're trying to write......let us pray.I believe the original concern of the OP was how limited the purchase options are for those shopping in the most popular big box stores.Your opinions aren't... | |
What a sad world we now live in....... There is never going to be a winner in the argument whether physical media or streaming is the best sound or which will eventually become extinct. Resurgence of vinyl has proven that. bdp24 is correct. Serious music collectors don't typically shop... | |
Bought some `Vintage Gear` Turntables.....I have bought a few and sold some over the years. One that I will not part with is a Pioneer PL-530 I bought new in the 70's when I first wanted to put together a decent system. Of the tables I've owned I still use the Pioneer as my... | |
Recommendations for bookshelf speakers There's an endless variety of speakers out there cooper......You didn't mention what electronics you will be using to drive the speakers. A most important element. If you have the opportunity to audition speakers with YOUR electronics that woul... |