

Responses from justlisten

Celestion Model 100 enquiry
your speakers fit in between the early SL with wood cabinets, and SL with the Aerolam aluminum cabinets. I've found all of the iterations to be very good sounding. the 100 came after and were cheaper than the aerolam ones, but shared a good deal o... 
Plinius sa102. or jeff rowland model 6
I have a strong preference to tube amps but being in this hobby, I've dabbled into solid state. I've owned at least one model within all what would be considered the major players. Within the Rowland line I've owned a pair of model 7s, mono-blocke... 
Room treatment in phases...where to start
it is very funny you ask. years ago I purchased a large room treatment pack from Room Tunes, Michael Green. I had put up pretty much all the treatments as I thought more is better. The system sounded good, but with too much i was losing a lotJust ... 
Levinson amp repair question
thanks Mechans, just the info i was looking for 
EL 34 question
Hello DanDerrick here, I purchased your Plinius. I was a strong EL-34 guy , until I tried the Plinius. How many El34s do your VACs use? I have some Fat Boys and you are welcome to try them out if you'd like. Shoot me a message if interested 
sound at the record store
Maybe he had the LOUDNESS button stuck on, much like you have CAPSLOCK on 
why no recent Merlin speaker reviews?
It used to be when anyone here posted anything negative about them, there would be a many quick to post in their defense . I have owned a pair of their speakers and I never got them to sound to my liking., but kept that to myself during this perio... 
Manufacturer Repairs? What is a reasonable time?
I feel this person at least owes a quick look to get an idea of the problem and in turn give you a time frame. I've learned to take this whole hobby with a grain of salt. Many years ago I even pre-paid a small boutique manufacturer for repairs whi... 
New tubes biasing problems
If it is not the tube, I would guess that the bias resistor for that socket is bad....a hassle, but a simple repair 
Need opinion of which subs to get
I was in your same boat a couple months ago.Needed a sub for music only for Celestion Sl600s. Ended up getting lucky with a good match with a Revel b15a. 
'Holographic Sound Stage?'
Jmbatkh, nailed it. it happens. Years ago I met a local seller who was selling a granite slab. He lived in a fairly small apartment with an odd shaped room. His room was tweaked out, however. He played an Annie Lenox CD, the track "why?". It was l... 
Need Classe Amp Repaired in SF Bay Area
You will get the customary responses and info from searching the prior threads,which I agree wholeheartedly with of Nick Gowan of True Sound in Campbell. however, if you wish to try an alternative which may be cheaper and more local, I have had gr... 
Volume control upgrades-
JeffWhen choosing a replacement, I believe you typically match it with the impedance of your power amp. If you google Goldpoint they have some good info. A rule of thumb is tube amps , 100k or 50k. Solid state amp, 5k, to 25k.To address Syntax's p... 
Difference between Energy 22, and Reference 22?
Comedychiefthe Ref 22 is on my list of 3 pieces I want to find---have you located a pair??many thanks 
Soundsmith re-tips received today
Hi RaulThat makes a lot of sense....that there would be little break in period on a retip. Opus, I just told Soundsmith to do whatever would sound best no matter the cost. This is what he suggested and I did with the AudioquestUpdate on RA12412 - ...