Responses from jwin
6C33-B vs everything else. The tube is only available from one manufacturer I believe. It is a warmer sounding tube than the 6550, but I found it to be less reliable and quite destructive when they failed in my VK60s. I won't consider another amp that uses this power tube.Jeff | |
Given Avalon Eidleon is considered one of the best Sirspeedy,I also love the performance of my Ascent II speakers and I too have an REL sub in the corner. It's mostly turned off. I am quite curious about your super tweeter statement. Could you expand on that topic? Jeff | |
Tube amp for Avalon Eidolon ? I am driving a pair of Avalon Ascent II speakers with an ARC Ref 2 into a Pass Labs 350.5 The combination works quite well and is far more musical than the ARC VT200 it replaced. Jeff | |
Crazy? Lamm ML2/ML2.1 on Avalon Eidolon? Why not bi-amp? Perhaps the extra muscle applied to the low end will do the trick.Jeff | |
Best Temporary Record Cleaning Options I use a VPI setup that does a nice job. I use a home made formula of photo flow, distilled water, alcohol and joy, but it doesn't do much to clean any fungus growing on the record surface. How do you get rid of that stuff?Jeff | |
Pass labs X250.5 vs Jeff Rowland Model 10, or 201 It took about 250 hours for the unit to mature. Base did improve and the depth of the sound stage grew larger. The general warmth and musicality stayed consistant after about the 100 hour point. By the way, I'm driving Avalon Ascents which are not... | |
Pass labs X250.5 vs Jeff Rowland Model 10, or 201 I replaced BAT monos with the 350.5. Mine now has about 600 hours and I still love it. It does not quite have the decay of a warm tube amp such as Conrad Johnson, but it is atleast as warm as the ARC amps. The sound stage is large and focused and ... | |
Threshold SA/3 to Pass Labs X250 comparison? I made the switch from the X350 to the X350.5. The upgrade was substantial. Tube like sweetness with great bass detail. Many of my audiophile friends now have this amp on their wish list. | |
I am thinking of buying the Avalon Osiris. I too picked up a pair of Ascents MkII speakers that have replaced a pair of Dunlavy SC4a speakers. I am driving them with a Pass Labs 350.5 and the combination has motivated many of my audio club friends to re-consider their opinions of the neces... | |
Anyone ever heard the Pass Labs X0.2 preamp? I have not heard the X.02, but I own an X.0. It is a wonderful preamp and I can tell you tast I also own an ARC Ref 2 mark 1 and I prefer the Pass Labs pre for female vocals and accoustic guitar. The bass is deep and detailed. It is quite tubelike... | |
rel with monoblocks I used a REL Stadium 3 with BAT VK-60s and it worked well. With one amp you connect the positive and ground leads and with the other only the ground.Jeff | |
Do Pass X-Series Preamps Match with X or X.5 Amps? I have an X350.5 and both an Audio Research Ref 2 and a Pass Labs X-0 preamp that I use to drive the amp which mates with a pair of Avalon Ascents and a REL Stadium 3. For most music I prefer the Pass Labs over the Audio Research. Violins seem to ... | |
BAT vs Pass Labs Amp Sean, I'd take a listen to the new Pass Labs X.5 series before I'd dismiss the amps on the basis of their design. No, they will not provide the decay characteristics of the most tube like sounding tube amps, but they are quite comparable to some o... | |
Opinions: AR VT100 mkIII and BAT BK75SE amplifiers I owned a pair of VK-60s and I found the 6C33b tubes to be a major problem. When they blew, they took out resistors and coupling capacitors and left the fuses (proper values) unharmed. I do agree with the fact that they were more musical than the ... | |
Esoteric DV-50, Marantz SA-11 or Arc CD3 MKII??? I solved my CD listening issues by picking up a Sonic Frontiers Processor 3. It upgraded a modded SCD-1, a modded XA-777, a stock 3910 and a Jolida 100 with upgraded tubes. The DAC opened up the sound stage and improved the musicality to an extent... |