
Responses from jwl244

FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
@rodman99999 first, the statement about my experience with denon was to give an example of what russ was bringing up. It’s an understanding of what he brought up. Denon does not publish their power ratings for 7 channels driven is the "point". The... 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
@russ69 thank you I appreciate your response. I domt disagree with you. I do think it matters more in the realm of home theater than it does in 2 channel stereo. In 2 channel the reputable players are all fairly reliable. In multichannel home thea... 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
@mitch2 yes that us exactly the concern that if the regulations did actually do what they were intended to do, ie hold companies accountable for publishing more accurate specs... then removing the amplifier rule would allow those faulty claims to ... 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
@winoguy17 yes. Point taken. Was hoping for a discussion about the rule and not so much a blanket statement that the government is incompetent. While that is a completely different topic I am more interested in what the FCC is going to do with the... 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
@millercarbon if that is your opinion could you please explain why it would not be good to have the amplifier rule in place? Or conversely, the positives if the rule was terminated? I'm asking earnestly as I'm not seeing how the rule hurts the ind... 
Looking for a ‘’No braine’r Integrated amplifier under 7500 or so
Hi blindjim. My opinions here are going to be very different than everyone else. They all sound like they have more experience than me. But here goes... I personally LOVE the Naim uniti atom/nova line. It is absolutely amazing. I have an atom whic... 
Focal Chora 826 tweeter buzz
What else do you have connected or is it just the receiver and the speakers? Sounds like you may have a ground loop issue. I would check all connections ie the wire and the terminations. If the receiver is connected to something else you would hav... 
should I bother putting a DAC inbetween MacBook Pro and AudioEngine A5+??
The short answer I would suggest is yes. The DAC on the laptop is really not good. If you're looking for high quality audio production you'll need an external DAC. I would recommend the Schitt Modi 3 for $99. The audio quest dragonfly is an option... 
Isolate amp or stack
Miller thanks for your response. I know where you're coming from with your opinions on HT. Personally I see it as a different aspect of sound reproduction. You could argue that you are not looking for the highest in highest of sound quality. You m... 
Speaker cable length
Thus is controversial topic and I have heard all sorts of statements. What seems to be consistent at its base (I'm going to ignore brand names and technology to keep this less controversial) is that length of cable and Guage of cable matter. I don... 
Differential Balanced Sound Quality
Thanks everybody I feel like this thread should be a sticky. I'm learning a lot and also being confused by a lot of this high level discussion! 
Naim Uniti Atom vinyl playback?
Jkreidler: it's just fine. I actually love the NAIM uniti atom sound. Vinyl plays beautifully with a low noise floor. That of course has to do with all the components... In any case the Naim is a wonderful but costly unit. While it's only 40 watts... 
SR8015 + 2ch amp VS separates
Soix I've learned good tidbits from your responses and I appreciate that all. Helps me along in my audio journey!  
Bass is clearer and more impactful when I stand vs. when I sit
I'm surprised no one mentioned room treatments specifically? It sounds like a null like others have said and I completely agree with experimenting with seat and speaker position. Just adding that room treatment for bass control might be helpful as... 
New Anthem AVM 70 and MRX 740 difference in processing
The new anthem lineup looks really exciting and I've been thinking about the avm70 as well. I think your question is basically the same one I have regarding using separates or integrated. I'm not sure what the answer is. I am.planning on waiting t...