Responses from kacomess
I've Just Learned What Amplfier Bias Is... For technical details on all things audio, Robert Harley's book is very good (albeit now slightly dated). | |
Magnepan's new LRS? I've had the LRS for a few months now. As is well known, these speakers require very careful positioning and so obtaining the best possible sound they can provide may prove to be impossible in some rooms (regardless of "treatments"). That statemen... | |
How do you audition speakers at a store? RE: "Stereotypes" in Portland, Oregon, I absolutely agree with mike_nc. The staff are extremely knowledgeable and patient. It's my local shop of choice. I moved here 5 years ago from Washington (state). "Stereotypes" was recommended to me by John... | |
Recomend Some Albums Recorded with True Imaging. The Ancony Records label (all analogue, 100%) started by Gillian Welch and David Rawlings has outstanding recordings. I am generally not a fan of that style music, but their album, "The Harrow and the Harvest" features not only very fine lyrics an... | |
Yet another turntable recommendation question I'll second a recommendation already posted: buy used. You may be able to get a really nice turntable that can be subsequently upgraded with a better tonearm and cartridge, if needed. VPI is a good bet, especially for older models like the HW-19 f... | |
Possible iOS-13 and Audioquest Dragonfly Red compatibility issue I've had that same issue with non-Apple products. Mysteriously, while these "clones" all claim to be interchangeable, oftentimes they aren't. While Apple's stuff is usually more expensive, the company does a good job with assuring compatibility an... | |
Why are brick and mortar HiFi dealers so bad? millercarbon,Try John Zimmerman at (yet another store named) "The Audio Connection" in the Ravenna district/Seattle. John has been in that small shop for decades. He's got an amazing ear and encyclopedic knowledge though his in-store selection is ... | |
Possible iOS-13 and Audioquest Dragonfly Red compatibility issue I think our posts crossed in-transit, but here are my quick thoughts:1) If I understood your posting correctly (I’m reading this on a portable device so I may have overlooked/misunderstood some detail), you obtain good quality sound when the **pow... | |
Possible iOS-13 and Audioquest Dragonfly Red compatibility issue Fkeubler,There are two different issues here:1) In my postings, I conjectured that the first release of the new iOS (10.13) apparently did not supply enough power to the Lightening port to run (in series) the Audioquest Jitterbug and DragonFly Red... | |
Forever speakers around $5000 You expressed an affinity for Magnepan's MMG and you also want to save for other associated equipment. So, why not meet both goals simultaneously and get the LRS? Admittedly, it lacks the bass you specified, but you could add sub-woofers and still... | |
"Hi-FI" book The book I mentioned was just reviewed by Michael Fremor on "Analog Planet". It wasn't favorable and - having read the Schwartz book - I agree with all his objections. | |
Is it a good idea to buy CD players over 10 years old even it is a reliable brand? I'm glad the topic of older CD players appeared here because a sentence from the current "Stereophile" review of the (very) costly Gryphon Ethos player caught my attention. Jason Victor Serinus quoted the company's sales director (Rune Skov) thusl... | |
Affordable cables "Nonoise" mentioned "Music Metre" cables. Did that company go out out business or did some other entity take over and change the name? The company's web site went offline circa 2009. I'm asking because I rather like(d) them: attractive design and ... | |
"Hi-FI" book I have the Harley book. I agree: it's comprehensive and interesting. The Hi-Fi book is well illustrated and it's more of a complement to Harley's, rather than a competitor. Schwartz' book is still worth a look and - for what it is - the price is p... | |
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance One point about high end cables: they all look a whole lot better than zip cord and Romex! |