Responses from karl_desch
Pass XP-17 and Hana ML loading question I owned the Pass XP-15 for many years and have been enjoying the XP-27 for several. I dont find the difference between 15 and the 27 to manifest through different loading. The 27 sounds different (and a little better) at all settings. Like Lewn,... | |
Zu Audio Union 6 Supreme Hey @lak, thanks for commenting. I’m looking forward to the journey. I’m hopeful that they end up being an excellent tool to swap in other amplifiers and sources. | |
Power cord for Quatro CT I followed Jon Spelt’s (Ultra Fidelis) advice and got a pair of Audioquest Z3. Reasonable price and excellent performance. | |
Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state I have had good luck with Cryotone 5AR4 tubes. They match your description nicely - fast dynamic etc. Unfortunately, they do not ship things out very rapidly and they are a little pricey. . | |
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge I have sold several used cartridges over the years. I have also purchased several used cartridges. I agree that there is risk involved but not really any different than speakers of amplifiers. When a cartridge goes bad, there are a very limited nu... | |
amazing transformation...how? Is it possible that you had it plugged into a non RIAA corrected input? Meaning, and input without the phono preamp in it? That would make it sound as you described no matter what record you played. Anyway, glad you have things sounding better n... | |
VPI Prime Sig/Lyra Delos / Feedback ...help! How far away is your table from your loudspeakers? Do you have any isolation device under the turntable? Some carts are more sensitive than others to acoustic feedback. | |
Kuzma Stabi R vs Dr. Feickert Woodpecker 2 vs TD 124DD Which ZYX? Its been several years since I had one in rotation. | |
Kuzma Stabi R vs Dr. Feickert Woodpecker 2 vs TD 124DD After living with a fussy thread drive table for several years, using the Stabi R/4P9/Vibraplane combo has been an absolute pleasure. As @no_regrets might say, I have no regrets. | |
What Holiday Gifts did you ask for or Give to Yourself? Nice gifts people! I have started my first voyage into the world of tube amplifiers. I purchased a used Decware Torii MK IV with three full sets of tubes. Using this ~26 watt amp on a pair of 90db sensitive Vandersteen IC and a pair of Vanderste... | |
Pass Labs XP-25 Outputs I have an XP-27. I use both outputs simultaneously when I am recording a record. RCA to my A to D converter and XLR to my preamp. I'm sure you can use both outputs in an XP-25. I tried out a SUT (!:15 Bobs Devices) to see if my Lyra Etna SL wou... | |
Preamp Gain issues with high efficiency speakers Are you using the RCA outputs to run a sub or two? I have a Bel Canto E1X pre/DAC that I use for as a Roon streamer and phono pre. It also has sub outs where you can control the low pass start point. You can also add a main speaker high pass fre... | |
Preamp Gain issues with high efficiency speakers The Decware should match great with your speakers. I just picked up a used Torii MK IV and I'm having lots of fun. I am now looking for efficient speakers like the Zu. Please let us know how you like it. Are you still breaking in the Soul VI? Are ... | |
Sometimes, things go right with impulse purchases. Tablejockey is getting hassled for spelling today. I know what he meant.... | |
Sometimes, things go right with impulse purchases. That is awesome. I read with interest the recent review of this phono pre. How would you characterize its sound signature? Is it quiet? |