
Responses from kavakat1

Is the "improvement" real or imnagined?
As they say at the U of Chicago,  well it works in reality, but does it work in theory?  
Is the "improvement" real or imnagined?
As they say at the U of Chicago,  well it works in reality, but does it work in theory?  
speaker upgrade fever
If you are looking at the Vandersteen treos, I’d suggest you listen to the Vandersteen Quatro CT’s. Which have better bass and great self amped subs in them already. I think you can find for &14,000 used. Which is a bargain.    
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
That’s Vandersteen  
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Get thee to Stereo Unlimited and check out the vanderstten family of speakers just magnificent at each pricepoint.   
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
That’s Treos not treks.   
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
Another vandersteen vote. Treks or quatros used. Can’t go wrong    
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
Another vandersteen vote. Treks or quatros used. Can’t go wrong    
Watch out for the upsell. Where he gives you the 60 watt mono Blocks and then after you are impressed, admits the 60s do sound a lot better than the 30 watt, and since you already have them at your house and all hooked up….let’s make a deal o the ... 
Floorstanding speaker experiences/recommendations in the $12-25k range
You should listen to used Vandersteen Quatro wood CT’s , or for slightly larger speakers the 5 CT’s. The 5 s were just replaced by the Kintos. So their price on the used 5s have gone down.  I have the quatros and they are great.   
Bowers & Wilkins 801D4 Signature
Pleads listen to the Vandersteen Kinta at about 35k. They may change your mind. I went from B&W to their Quatro wood ct for about $17k.  Much better   
Pink Floyd Aficionados
Qobuz has it as new.   
Pink Floyd Aficionados
Roger waters new: dark side of the moon Redux. Oh yeah.   
Experience with Modwright products?
I have his Modwright Oppo 105 with the separate power supply. Still going great sounds so good.    
Best place to buy Mcintosh Integrated Amp
Stereo Unlimited in San Diego is my place of choice. A major McIntosh dealer new and used. Bruce, Ray, and their crew are awesome. Honest fair and service is the best in the business. 619-223-8151