

Responses from kmtang

Anyone at home at Krell?
A friend of mine returned his KSA-300 to Krell for repair. Unfortunately, he has been waiting for a quote over 6 months now. No response from Krell. This is very disappointing. Johnny  
Replacing Capacitors, I Don’t Wanna!
That's real BS.   Usually, the electrolytic capacitor in audio amplifiers would last many years. The new ones are very reliable. I used the LCR meter to check the ESR, dissipation factor, and capacitance to confirm the condition of the Capacitor... 
300B, 2A3 experiances wanted
Hi Alex,  The link is just for the US Audio Mart. You may search for 6V6 tube from there.  
Best current 845 Tubes
I am surprised no one mentioned about the LinLai 845. I bought two pairs for C$380 with free shipping. I built the 845 SE power amp and played with the LinLai tubes over a year. They sound pretty good to me.  LinLai also has several models of the... 
300B, 2A3 experiances wanted
Hi Alex, I would prefer using those NOS 6V6's. They are available from Ebay and https://www.usaudiomart.com/.    
300B, 2A3 experiances wanted
I used a simple transistor-MOSFET "Shunt regulator" to replace the RC (self-bias) in my 45, 2A3, and 300B SE amps. The sound quality improved significantly. All my audiophile buddies were amazed. The very nice thing is that I can set the right am... 
???Pre Amp Service???
Simply power it ON. I don't think there are components will fail over time.   Johnny  
845 Tube Sockets.....Bayonet vs plug in types?
I prefer the good old Bayonet socket. It is much for robust and secure. I used them in my 845 single-ended power amp.    Johnny    
300b lovers
I have tried two types of LinLai 300B tubes for some time with shunt regulator at the cathode, i.e., fixed voltage at cathode. I biased it 70mA with 420V B+. The anode-cathode voltage is approx 350V.  Once the 300B tube got warmed up for about 30... 
300b lovers
Hi, I used the "shunt regulator" to replace the RC cathode self bias circuit in my 45, 2A3, 300B, and 845 SE power amps. The sonic improvement is exceptional. My friends tried it and they all agreed it is real worth to try.  I haven't try using f...