Responses from knock1
Review: Denafrips Ares II @devilboy What is your point? Nobody in this thread mention NOS nor OS, OP is very happy with his new toy, as I was at one point and Golden Sound praised its performance. So, what is your point? | |
Review: Denafrips Ares II @devilboy ...and? | |
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling @camrector How about try it yourself and find out 🙄 | |
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling Just finished helix interconnect cables using left over, from speaker cable project, of Duelund DCA16GA tinned copper multistrand wire in cotton and oil as the signal wire and Mil Spec 16 AWG Silver Plated Copper Wire Green Cryo Treated as helix. ... | |
WHY DO PEOPLE FEEL THE NEED TO COMMENT ON CABLES AND EQUIPMENT THEY HAVE NEVER HEARD? @magnuman It can not be serious, I hope it is a tongue-in-cheek. | |
USB DACs that outperforms OPPO 105D's internal DAC? @mlsstl I think it became a trend, maybe to show off how expensive stuff on has 🙄 | |
UPS Driver Literally Drops Package with New Hana Umami Red @cbl117 Thanks. I would venture out to say, like others on this thread, that there is no damage to this great cartridge of yours due to delivery drop. I am enjoying my Hana ML, Umami might be next. Give us your impressions, por favor🙂 | |
UPS Driver Literally Drops Package with New Hana Umami Red @cbl117 How did you resolve it? May I ask. | |
Jay's Audio CDT2 MK3 hum @tomasz1964 I am in the US and never seen my voltage exceeding 122V, but it seems that you have solved the problem with regenerator, congratulation. Now, stop worrying🙂 BTW, my name is Tomasz as well. | |
Product: Sonus Faber Concertino Domus Bookshelf Speakers; w/ Stands You just bought Sonus Faber speakers, now you need another pair of bookshelf ones? | |
Jay's Audio CDT2 MK3 hum Tomasz, my Jay's is totally silent, I would think that such a high voltage might cause the hum. @pennfootball71 "Sell it get a Hegel Viking. The bit perfect DAC built into that is probably better than your DAC now so you can sell that too!" Ho... | |
New Product RE: Denafrips 12th Anniversary Edition Digital-to-Digital Converter (DDC) Well, the difference after putting DDC between streamer and DAC was comparable to switching from Cambridge CXC and Denafrips AresII to Jay's CDT2 MK3 and Denafrips VenusII. Not quite but very similar. | |
New Product RE: Denafrips 12th Anniversary Edition Digital-to-Digital Converter (DDC) I am pretty sure Denafrips has been producing DDCs for quite some time. So what is new about it? | |
If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound? sudnh "the optical laser detector inside the transport is an analogue electronics device which is changing its output continuously as the laser light dims and brightens." This is revolutionary theory indeed. Why is then a DAC (digital to analog ... | |
If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound? adversam What does it have to do with this post subject "If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound?"🙄 |