
Responses from kublakhan

Computer-Based Audio Primer
Hey Matt or anyone... what do you think of Glyph drives. I thought they were the standard for professional mixing studios but I could be wrong. They're not cheap, but supposed to be dead quiet. 
Computer-Based Audio Primer
Analog Lovers and Filterless DACs
The most inexpensive and perhaps even the BEST way to go is to burn all your cds on your computer's hard drive in wav format so your hard drive becomes a transport transporting error-free digital files into a USB dac like The Brick (a tubed filter... 
Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?
hey rx8man,if you ever try this, please let us know what you think. 
Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?
i agree with you guys: I was on the verge of splurging for a wadia or the emm labs unit but there's no chance, no how, no way i'm going that direction now...Even if i DID have the money! (which i don't, damnit)still, there is something much more s... 
Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?
Drubin: Regarding remote control for a hard drive system. Check out this link:http://www.wavelengthaudio.com/compsys.pdf - This is found on the wavelengthaudio.com site and briefly describes how to use a blue tooth equipped palm pilot as a remote ... 
Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?
I've setup my dad with an Escient music server (only has a 120 gig hard drive) but the access to the music is incredible. I'm listening to music i haven't heard in years because it's easier than searching through my nearly 1000 cdsl. I don't have ... 
Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?
so tvad, what do you think needs to be overcome before a computer hard drive to a dac will surpass state of the art transports and cdps? i'm thinking it might already be time to switch. I was thinking of buying an Emm Labs setup but the more i thi... 
Where should I start for computer audio??
Here's a great link -(really, everyone interested in computer audio should read this):http://www.wavelengthaudio.com/usbdac.htmlWavelength audio 
Best way from hard drive to DAC?
i've been looking into the benchmark dac with volume pot.However, here is a great source of exactly the kind of info you're looking for:http://www.wavelengthaudio.com/usbdac.htmlThis link for wavelength audio tells you all you need to know includi... 
Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?
thanks muralman1, that's why i posted. there should be a way to tag a thread though without having to butt in. 
Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?
I wish audiogon would come up with a way to 'tag' discussions. i want to mark this and follow it. i have nothing to add. 
Where should I start for computer audio??
Ckorody - THANKS! 
Drone Zone on SomaFM - anyone listening?
Thanks guys. Is anybody recording off these stations? What are you recording on and how are you doing it? is there any computer program that can record to a hard drive in real time? 
Drone Zone on SomaFM - anyone listening?
hey someguy, do you have any recommendations for similar stations?You gotta love a station that plays a song called "a huge ever growing pulsating brain that rules from the senter of the ultraworld" (by The Orb) I went into this little music store...