Responses from kublakhan
The Scariest Story Ever Told? Unclejeff - for the record i found viggen's post a little odd as well. | |
Please help - Impotence problem Dekay, dont be convinced too quickly. i keep speaking too soon. i guess the break-in is still happening because every day one thing gets better but another aspect gets worse. so far, overall the system is doing more things right than other systems... | |
Which artists do you just not get? FREE JOHN COLTRANE! to those in need, only, please.really. if you dont get coltrane (or some part of his career) and you're interested email me privately and let me know what you don't like or understand and i'll pick out a song or two that i thin... | |
Please help - Impotence problem sorry sorry sorry - i'm bush league, i'm a novice at best...... i spoke too soon. my entire system had all new cables and speaker wires and they just weren't broken in yet. at this point, this is by far the best system i've ever owned. it's too go... | |
The Scariest Story Ever Told? Lotta problems here with audio research fires!I was 12, my dad wasn't home. he had two arc d-60 amps in mono and acoustat speakers, etc. i loved the sound.i was getting a suntan (san diego) outside playing neil young as loud as the stereo would go... | |
Has audiophilia changed your music taste? Gunbei; the train recordings...too funny! I also agree with you about finding John Coltrane. the entire reason i got into hifi was to get as close to really hearing this guy as i could. like matchstikman i also got away from my old tastes and now ... | |
Please help - Impotence problem Albert, Dekay...Marakanetz...Dekay, first. I feel really stupid but you are right. all my cables are new and already i'm noticing a difference as they're breaking in. i might start becoming a believer in cables. the smearing is going away, instrum... | |
All the Cconcerts you can ‘Remember’ Attending? BEN, i'd love to hear what you thought of AC/DC with and without bon scott. when i was a kid this was the greatest concert i'd ever seen. angus young was insane and on fire. unfortunately i can't remember if bon scott was singing. | |
All the Cconcerts you can ‘Remember’ Attending? Grateful Dead. Believe it or not, I remember the show. Well, not the show per se, but i remember being there. best experience of my life. only months later jerry garcia died. i could kill him.Tom Waits 2xMeredith Monk 4xPhilip Glass 6x (especially... | |
Dan Wright "Absolute Truth" mod for SCD-1 / 777es Thanks for the responses so far. for anyone concerned about the warranty maybe someone who knows can answer this question: isn't the sony warranty non-transferable? this might make a difference to all second hand owners. just guessing i would assu... | |
Favorite AES/EBU digital cable nt and bm (hint: rhymes with previous)I'm baaa-aaaack... | |
VPI Aries - either or question, please comment Here's the final word on the difference between the black acrylic platter found on the black knight and the clear found on the aries-2 from VPI:"You can get an Aries 2 with either the black or clear platter. The black platter is conventional size ... | |
Tonearm Lifting Device, Any Ideas??? still looking | |
VPI Aries - either or question, please comment now i hear that the black acrylic platter on the black knight is NOT the same as the platter on the Aries-2. In other words, it seems that if you don't like the look of the 'clear' acrylic platter on the aries-2 you have no choice but to downgrade... | |
Every make a purchase you truly regret? Thanks once again, Albert. The dealer offered a package to me and so i can buy a new aries with a 10" arm AND the SDS box for my price so it's no longer an either or. I think because i listen mostly to jazz that i'll go with the 10" arm and of cou... |