
Responses from kublakhan

Technics 1200 Sent for KAB Mods - w/Audio Samples
Thanks Joe. I completely forgot about your original post!I'm out of the country away from my gear so I can't judge the difference but I'm looking forward to it. 
Audio Research SP8 MK II Sounds
Click on Discussion Forums from the home page and scroll down to audio clubs. You might find something in Florida. Or try audioasylum. 
Technics 1200 Sent for KAB Mods - w/Audio Samples
Hi Joe,Thanks for the hard work. I'm a little confused, though. Do you have one song that is from before the mod and the same song after the fluid damper mod? I downloaded some of your samples but unless they're the same song it's impossible to co... 
Quad 57 refurbishers - who's the best?
Mothra, I don't have the quads right now. I'm looking for a pair and wondering whether to buy already refurbished or take a chance on a used pair and have them sent directly from the seller to the refurbisher. 
Quad 57 refurbishers - who's the best?
Thanks for the info! 
Best Louis Armstrong LP to Start With?
Agree with above: "St. James Infirmary" Classic Records 45rpm will blow your mind! 
What do you do with all those CD's??
I hate to rub it in, you guys, but here it goes: If you jump on the bandwagon and rip your cds to a hard drive you can do away with all that unpleasantness. It's quite liberating! Only vinyl deserves to be displayed. 
Audio Research Ref Phono + Ref 2 RCA to XLR
I just read a post here (i can't remember what the topic was) from a guy who had been using Cardas adapters and was unhappy with the results, then switched to Stereovox adapters and was thrilled. FWIW. 
Thinking about selling Vinyl collection - long
you're going to need a lot of shipping boxes. i suggest buying them in bulk to save money. i think u-line.com sells them but check around for the best deal. 
Has anyone rewired the arm of a SL-1210M5G?
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1212719575&read&keyw&zztechnics+1200+senttry this 
Tube Integrated with deep bass
FWIW, I checked out that Graaf integrated Glide3 mentioned and I wouldn't even consider for a moment buying from a seller with that history. 
Technics sp10 mrk2 or SL-1200mrkII
A virtually unused (they claimed) limited edition (3000 pieces) Gold Technics 1200 just sold on ebay for $500. That's a great price on a table that can only rise in value over the years and less than what it sold for new. Another one on ebay sold ... 
The "Spoiler" with "Pace Car"
Thanks for that link, Detlof. After reading the article I'm left wondering if it will help or hurt Spoiler sales. What do you think? 
Blue Note reissues as an investment?
Opalchip,, that McLean on ebay right now is actually a cd set. The past auction I was referring to is too old to show up...it just disappeared a couple of days ago. Even for what you say is the average price for that mosaic set it's still hard for... 
Blue Note reissues as an investment?
Buying limited edition LPs sometimes brings up an interesting dilemma. About a year ago I found a copy of Mosaic's Jackie McLean for $150 and hemmed and hawed whether I should buy it and finally did. Just the other day I saw that a copy went for o...