
Responses from kublakhan

Vpi 19mkIV or linn sondek 12
alright people are going to start thinking im bl@#%ing this guy i keep mentioning him so often but check out salvatore's site at http://www.high-endaudio.com/ and click on audio critique. from there you'll see 'recommended components' and you can ... 
opinions on Coincident vs. HT Pro9
hey jay have you checked out http://www.high-endaudio.com/ yet? it's arthur salvatore's site that people have been talking about under the thread 'reviewing the reviewers.' his store (high end audio) sells the cables (coincident) and he recommends... 
Going Topless
frap, which arc do you have? can removing the covers be cooling the tubes and causing this effect? do you have tube rings on?just a thought. 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
jayboard glad you're irrelevant too. detlof, i certainly didn't give you any negatives. in fact, i got -2/-2 myself. i dont know who gave them to us or why but jayboard's got a good eye for this kinda stuff and am glad he bet on me :) 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Whoops. you're more right than i originally thought, detlof. i thought the last post in that thread (other than mine) was back in march.nobody post here. stay away. go to 'reviewing the reviewers' threadget out. 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
oh, i don't know. why do i do anything? it's late. i'm tired. i'm lonely ...i want a new amp?i guess i wanted to talk about the man and not his opinions on reviewers - that was starting to wear me out. it's also an old thread and because of the ti... 
Bose Infomercial
well, i went in to my local bose store for a demo and there was herbie, giving a listening session to a couple of blue-haired ladies so i guess the check for the infomercial isn't big enough. either that or A. he's REALLY into Bose gear B. it wasn... 
Help ID nakamichi tape deck
gee i dunno snook. gregm has made me realize that w/o a cassette collection perhaps the whole idea was half-baked. is your daughter up to this kinda mod? will it invalidate the warranty? there's a lot to consider here. 
Help ID nakamichi tape deck
Beemer - i do remember the king biscut flour hour. i went to school in boston thru '90. what the hell was the king biscut flour hour? most of my memory is gone from abuse but it rings a loud bell. was that on the station ...um...91 or something? h... 
Help ID nakamichi tape deck
dekay i hadn't seen your post when i wrote my last one: you're incredible too. i can't believe you guys can id this stuff from the early 80s! i can barely remember if i ate breakfest today. i'm trying to find a picture of the 1000. i'll go back to... 
Reviewing the Reviewers
phild, if you're still around: thanks for that post. i've just spent hours going through that site. amazing! 
Help ID nakamichi tape deck
Thanks guys! Beaudoind, you're amazing! i took a look at that site and i'm almost sure it's the 700ZXL! (although the lx-3/lx-5 were close). i can't believe i posted this question less than an hour before getting my answer. i love audiogon. now to... 
VPI cleaning fluid and fungus
do you have any wise-ass kids in the house who are into tennis? 
Never Happy
But why, petewhitley, why? why must this be?But seriously, i find this post ridiculous. i spend a GOOD 5-10 days enjoying the hell out of my new piece of gear before i want to unload it. apparently you're just fickle! 
Audiogon sabbatical
i prefer sit-down.but thanks will :)