

Responses from lak

Measuring Vibration in Equipment
I wonder if a large well marked (graduated) compass would work? It would be crude but maybe useful? 
cd spray tweaks?
Hey audiophiles, why doesn't one of us spring the bucks for a can and test it? (there is a money back guarantee). Why speculate and debate something we do not know? I'll bet in a day or two some people who have purchased the product will respond. ... 
Big name company or smaller company?
Some companies are small and some what unknown however spend much time and funds with research (as mentioned by Elizabeth). Their products however can be excellent! One such company I use is Silver Audio. (silveraudio.com) I highly recommend you t... 
I blew my speaker....Please help
Depending on the age of the unit, a good store will repair it for you or pick up the cost and ship it back for you. 
Opinions needed on Musical fidelity amps
Sorry, I forgot to say: if you think you might use different speaers down the road without the high efficienty rating as the Klipsch, stay with the A300. If you have the $ the extra watts can't hurt. 
Opinions needed on Musical fidelity amps
Tracer gives good advise! 
A bad situation
I would love to hear what "cornfedboy" has to say about this. I always respect his opinion in these matters. 
where to use your best ic s.
Larry, I have been told by individuals that in my opinion are true audiophiles that the most important (critical) IC is between the DAC and preamp. Thats where I would put the silver lace. When you can afford it, purchase the second silver lace. T... 
Coda Continuum Stage Power Amp?
All Coda products are well made and performance is good to excellent depending on how much you invest in it. That is to say lower line to top of line. 
Blown Fuse
Before some further damage is done, I would have a professional check it out. That will minimize damage and cost. 
Do I really need a preamp?
Although off topic a bit, in my opinion anything that you add will color the sound. It just depends if you like the way the end result sounds. I find it that way for interconnects speaker cable, digital cable, power cords, amp, preamp, changing tu... 
Best balanced interconnects under 350
Have you tried the line of interconnects by Silver Audio? Check out silveraudio.com 
Cary tubes?
Cary is one of many companies that manufacture good sound equipment, and have a good customer service. Both amp and preamp are good and will drive your Proac 2.5 speakers. 
Lowther classic audio
Drumsgrer, when I first started to research Lowther speakers about 1 1/2 years ago (which I had never heard of before) I had a very hard time finding anyone that had heard them. When I did people either loved them or hated them. It sounds like not... 
Lowther classic audio
Sedond, I looked at the Hedlunds website, very interesting! When I listened to a traditional Lowther horn loaded speaker next to the new larger double ported box the horns sounded like certain frequencies were being boosted, and others attenuated....