Responses from lenmc2964
Schiit Sol or Rega Planar 3? Rega with a Ortofon Bronze cartridge you can’t go wrong. | |
Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player? Look for a used Rega RP 3 should come in at around $700. Easy to set up sounds great. | |
Doe you enjoy your listening to music and your system more with others or alone? I have Wednesday’s off so that I can listen to my system alone and loud. Nothing like The Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore at 96+ DB’s. | |
Speakers that are a great value! Source Technology 7211’s you can buy direct from John Sollecito. | |
Can you ground A Rega turntable? That is the question I’m asking how do I ground it? | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? In the mood ZZ TOP - Rio Grande MuddZZ TOP - Tres HombresDelaney & Bonnie & Friends On TourBaby - Baby from Amarillo Texas on Lone Starr Records Aerosmith - Get Your Wings | |
Moving cross country Thank you for the feedback. And by the way I was born in Texas and lived there for 45 years. Retired now so moving back home. Plus I miss Chicken Fried Steak great BBQ and real Mexican food. The double packing sounds good. Once agin thanks. | |
What to buy? Call John Sollecito at Source Technology and talk to him about the 7211’s. Great American made speakers at a good price. John will make you a good deal on them I’ve known John for for 40 years. You can tell him Jackie said to call. If you have $20... | |
Audioquest or Kimber kable. Have had both prefer Kimber. I am using the 8tc now and have no problems at all. Quality and price a good buy. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Humble Pie - Rockin’ The FillmoreJ Geils Band - Full HouseElf - L.A. 59 | |
Whats playing on your system today? Humble Pie - Rockin’ The FillmoreJ Geils Band - Full HouseElf - L.A. 59 | |
Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp? I have a Rogue Metis pre with a SS Amp and love it. Very little noise. What tubes you choose does make a difference so you get to do a little tube rolling and that’s fun. | |
Wow an old album that rocked your world Elf Trying To Burn The SunRobert Johnson Close Personal FriendHenry Gross Plug Me Into Something | |
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer The Beatles over 100 albums and close to that in 45’s with picture sleeves. | |
Headphones $600 or less Pre amp I’ll be using is a Rouge Metis turntable is a Rega RP 3 and have a Rega Apollo CD player. |