
Responses from leonx

On a budget 802N or 803D??? Dealer says 803D.
It will give you more controle but also more resolution. So it will improve the total balance of your system. But watts is not the main thing. You also need a poweramp who can give you a good focus and resolution. 
On a budget 802N or 803D??? Dealer says 803D.
When you are lookig for a great combi for a bargain. Look for a Musical fidelity Nu-vista M3 ( not a tri-vista, it can give you problems with the tweeter of the 802n). It will take some time, but in a few months you'll find one. Why? For the contr... 
MF Tri Vista or Nu Vista Amp or Pathos Logos
The Nu-vista sounds more smooth and involving than the tri-vista.But the Tri-vista has more control and drive in the low freq. The sound is more analytical than the Nu-vista is. In some situations It can ben a little harsh. I did a lot of demo's f... 
NU-Vista M3 vs Tri-Vista 300 Integrated Amplifier
The sound of the Nu-vista is more musical and involving. I know both amps very well. The tri-vista has more control in the low freq. The Nu-vista is better built than the Tri-vista. The Tri-vista is more analytical compared to the Nu-vista. 
On a budget 802N or 803D??? Dealer says 803D.
I used the 802N for 6 years and 3 months. When I heard the 802D, I knew the diamant tweeter is a big step compared to the older one and also the rest of the speaker. At the end I bought the 800N's because the tweeter was also a lot better than the... 
"Absolute best" used speaker for $8-10K
What kind of equipment do you have at this moment? Because when you want to buy a loudspeaker of this amount you will need the right stuff. 
"Absolute best" used speaker for $8-10K
I would vote for the Nautilus 800N because it has a wide freq. range. And it had the best look of all the speakers in this range. I can give the right proportions of voices and instruments. It gives a very good image of a recording. Just take a ch... 
B&W 801 speaker cable suggestions
Don't use Cardas cables the will cut of an important part of the mid freq. I would suggest Kimber in your situation. I play with the 800's with Valhalla loudspeakercable, but that is I guess to much.The tweeter you are using can sound hard with so... 
B&W N800 vs Piega C10 Limited
I also own the speakers, an it is said by B&W that the room had to be at least 40mm2. I heard the speaker also in a room of about 30mm2, and the bass was much to heavy. So that is very important. But you need very high quality equipment as wel... 
B&W 803D vs N802
The 803D is a better speaker. I've owned the 802N for over 6 years. The low's are more tight,and with the new diamond tweeter and also improved midrange unit it sets this speaker to a much higher level. 
B&W N800 vs Piega C10 Limited
A friend od mine had a small concert room with a Steynway. There is place for about 65 people. He gives concerts with a maximun of 4 players. Here I learned how small a voice of a woman can be. It doesn't matter where you are, you can exactely poi... 
B&W N800 vs Piega C10 Limited
Piega looks nice, but an 800 looks better. But you cannot compare these 2 loudspeakers. The 800N is superior comparred to a Piega C10. Just listen to it and you will understand. 
Prana Deva vs. Nordost Valhalla
I was the first one in Holland with the Valhalla speakercable, when the Valhalla powercables came out, I also bought a few of these. But I can say one thing to you, to much Valhalla will give you focus problems. You will loose individual focus. I ... 
B&W Nautilus 800 vs 802D
When I bought the 802N I had the change to buy for a very small price the 335 ML poweramp of the distributer. I just had the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 300 power. But the Nu-Vista was much more musical, had more depth information ans also more reso... 
B&W Nautilus 800 vs 802D
The 800 has so much more authority in the whole freq. spectrum. I never expected the difference between the 802N and 800 would be that big. The 10 inch units gives you the advantage of a much better midd bass and control in the low freq. I also fo...