Responses from lewm
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Thanks, Dean. That's a considerable savings vs Bluz Broz, assuming the product is identical. I ordered one. In for a dime, in for many many dimes. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? re Pickering. Anyone know the difference between the "XSV" and the "XUV" models? Seems as though most of their high end or quadraphonic cartridges were available under either acronym. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dave, Yes, I think this whole thread has neglected the top line Stanton/Pickering cartridges. Their best ones had surprisingly low internal resistance and lower than normal voltage output, which would indicate a lower than average internal moving ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Halcro or Raul, I have an NOS Empire 1000ZE. As I recall there were several sources for the X stylus assembly. Some of them were reproduction styli. What is the preferred type to buy, if I should choose to upgrade my 1000ZE and from whom should I ... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Raul, Why is it worth having, if it is "a little reticent in the highs"? Do you have a contrasting criticism of the line contact stylus on the P50VL that is mitigated by the elliptical stylus? Otherwise, unless one is a collector of MM cartri... | |
Technics SP-10 Tonearm Pod instead of Plinth/Base Tim, Your description of Raul's table is exactly as I once envisioned it. I got the impression at the top of this thread that I was not quite correct. Anyway, it's water under the bridge, or a tonearm over a turntable, or something.One "secret" of... | |
Technics SP-10 Tonearm Pod instead of Plinth/Base To be fair, I don't think Raul ever advocated running the SP10 with no platter. As you suggest, the motor will go nuts with no platter. I agree with you on your solution; Raul has another way. | |
Now I bought a Technics SP-10 Mk2, what's next? All electrolytics should ideally be replaced. You may then find that some of the functional defects you are dealing with will be cured at the same time. Once that is done, the function of transistors and IC can be fairly assessed and if all is wel... | |
Technics SP-10 Tonearm Pod instead of Plinth/Base There are megabuck turntables that do it either way, tonearm on outboard pod vs tonearm very firmly associated with the bearing/platter. Probably it works either way, if the design is done properly. As I stated several times, my main beef with a s... | |
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ??? Ken, I keep forgetting that we are near neighbors. We should get together for a dd fest one of these days. Lets make email contact. Howard serviced my L07D and it is now in use. SP10 Mk3 will soon follow.Interesting thing about the L07D is that Ke... | |
Technics SP-10 Tonearm Pod instead of Plinth/Base Dear Audioblazer, You wrote, "From my friends experiment with Garrard 401, it's seems isolated base is the way to go." Can you tell me/us just what experiment your friend conducted? I also wonder how it is possible to generalize from any one turnt... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Aging should most effect the elastomers in the suspension, due to longterm exposure to various atmospheric gaseous contaminants. I would therefore expect that years of storage would have the biggest effect on compliance of all other parameters, un... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? I agree, "Maybe the arm is not a good match for it?" But there are about a half dozen other possibiities, including that my sample has suffered from the aging process more than most or that my sample is not yet broken in, etc, etc. I still find it... | |
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ??? Kftool, Since the platter of your tt is probably bolted to the top of the motor to which the magnet is fastened, in a sense you are free to change the platter, as is true of most dd turntables. The Mk3 is the exception rather than the rule. Most d... | |
A new TT from Steve Dobbins,"The Beat." ??? No doubt the platter and mat have a huge effect on the sound of any tt. This is a universal issue, not just restricted to dd tts. Problem for me is that I don't know what is "the best". In general, high mass seems like a good thing, but after that... |