
Discussions listening99 has started

Tube Match question for Tekton Speaker & Dennis Had Inspire Firebottle21055
Calling for recommendations: Speakers for a very lively room211119
An untamed room and a vivid speaker...19999
In my comparison experiment, go Lore or Lore Reference, or something else, for the same $977814
What makes a DAC so expensive?12185142
How deadly is transformer hummm...1403661
Speaker load on tube amplifier...20226
From one experiment to the next...20098
switching between two amplifiers; issues of power272718
Anyone have experience with VTV amplifiers?79197
Cross-talk and distortion, chief soundstage contributors...574228
Filter Capacitance350112
The peculiarities of a high value, low cost, amp707046
amp hiss impact on speakers179514
Do any of you "meditate" on your music?113221