Responses from livinon2wheels
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost? FWIW, since I am replacing everything that was in my prime system with 'reasonable' SOTA compnents, I am expecting to drop 50-65K. I am still pondering speaker choice and final amplification and processor choice but it will be in that range. I hav... | |
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost? FWIW, since I am replacing everything that was in my prime system with 'reasonable' SOTA compnents, I am expecting to drop 50-65K. I am still pondering speaker choice and final amplification and processor choice but it will be in that range. I hav... | |
GoldenEar T66 vs. Legacy Focus XD I really want to hear a pair of Focus SEs...My dad had a pair of signatures that sounded really good except their low bass content was not that great to my ears. I want to try their bigger brother and see if they satisfy. I had a pair of VMPS Towe... | |
Why isn’t more detail always better? It seems to me that what is desired is a mostly flat response without favoring any specific frequency or any frequency band that is a subset of the 20-20k band. That said, I am sure many of you have seen the so called idealized response curve that... | |
Impedance - The most ignored and useful measurement tool @lanx0003 Here is an easy way to remember what happens in an LC circuit: Remember the phrase ELI the ICE man. Voltage leads current in an inductive circuit and Current leads Voltage in a capacitive circuit. Helpful tool to remember. When you first... | |
Network Switches @jnorris2005 - I agree with only concession to the other side of this question that IF there is inadequate filtering in the streamer or receiver or whatever is connected to the home network, then noise carried on the Cat 5 or 6 cable or p... | |
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought I gave up on analog for the most part long before the house burned last april. That said, I understand that for some people, analog is a ritualistic the record, getting up every 20 minutes to turn it over, putting it away in its p... | |
Would like to get more bass out of my B&W 801 series 2 speakers Ok I am going to throw out an option not yet considered... Due to the fact you listen a low levels, could the lack of apparent bass be due to the lack of appropriate low frequency equalization to make up for the low levels you listen? Think of the... | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers I have always believed that good audio gear is on balance a lot less trouble that any woman I have known including my current wife. Somebody once pointed out to me that audio gear doesn’t keep you warm at night, but I beg to differ, especially if ... | |
Rel subwoofer high level connections with McIntosh integrated amp using the high level inputs uses the higher voltage into a high impedance input circuit. Due to the high impedance, almost nothing taken away from the speaker output to feed the sub input. Its essentially 'free' with no downside. The amplifier you... | |
Are luxman integrated amps truly balanced? Here is the thing, you can make the equipment quieter than ANY home environment. Unless the listening room is similar to an anechoic chamber no 'normal' room will permit detection of noise much lower than a standard CD noise floor (-90 db). So, if... | |
budget balanced pre amp, tube or SS? @chadnliz So, you have some VMPS speakers? I am so jealous...the ones I had were destroyed in a fire last year and finding suitable replacements has taken a short minute or nearly 9 months and I am STILL not sure about the replacements.... | |
Using both balanced and single ended outputs at the same time? Ok gonna play devils advocate just to point out the other option no one recommended...Run single ended to main speaker amps and balanced to the subs. Reason: the run to the main amps is probably much shorter due to the amps being closer to the pre... | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers So...I have to ask if upgrading your audio system is a catalyst for divorce? It was never a factor in any of mine and with being down for the count 3 times, you would think it would rear its ugly head. Never happened. Just wondering what you guys ... | |
Is it O.K. To Speculate Re: Company Stability Here? Interesting questions being asked here. Ok I'll throw one in the hopper and see if it stirs up the hornets nest at all...So MacIntosh was bought out by my favorite company to bash, Bose. How does that impact their products and viability for the fu... |