Responses from lous
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers I would probably go with Vandersteens. They give an awesome "you are there" sound stage. MMMV | |
Is it the gear or the ears? Well, let's begin with; "I am fortunate that I was able to put together a system for me that allows me to enjoy music like I never thought was possible for me." Congratulations. You question people who seek affirmation after buying somethi... | |
Pass....Accuphase....or...... The Parasound JC5 amp is quite neutral and has far more power than you'll ever need. Great sound, and it can absolutely drive your speakers. It's said that it would cost twice it's price had they built them in the US. | |
Let's talk about Silver... I haven't found any silver cables that particularly impressed me. That said, my 2 favorite cables are copper and silver. I'm sure there are better cables out there, but Zavfino cables are the best I haven't heard, followed by the old LAT Internati... | |
$8k for speakers - new or used Opinions are like..... For my money, I'd ditch Macintosh because AFAIK all their gear is "warm" lacking detail. I'd go open baffle, Caladan, and if you want to better them, PureAudioProject, or the like. Caladans sound pretty bad for the first 300... | |
Is "detailed" audiophile code for too much treble? Audio is all about personal preferences. Bright, warm, and other terms are unfortunately fluid. Bright to me is quite annoying, in fact I was never able to listen to classical music until recently because no speakers I had owned could competently ... | |
Power Amplifier - Maximum Resolution & Detail! Unfortunately all opinions are completely biased, and based on limited exposure. Mine is no exception. Warm means dulled highs, a common preference. I don't go by gear I have not had in my system because only the amps I have had in my system prove... | |
New DAC issues Yes, the MIB board, the Schiit rep I spoke to said that, so I canceled the order for the board. I am sure it's not night and day, but some early reviews said they preferred the OG slightly, and that's why I pressed them on the issue. I figured it ... | |
New DAC issues @yyzsantabarbara I considered "upgrading" to the More is Better before finding the Lampizator. I was on the list early on, but they reluctantly admittedly that it was less detailed. I love detail. | |
New DAC issues @classic8 You should also consider a used Big7 or other direct heated tube Lampizator DAC. I am sure that there are other great DACs, but Don Sachs, who designs the pricy amps and preamps Spatial Audio Lab is selling, loves his Big7 DAC. He refer... | |
New DAC issues In the Schiit line, the OG Yggdrasil takes weeks to burn in, until it does, it really sounds bad. That said, the lower end Lampizator DACs sound the best I have heard, at lower prices. I imagine there are others. They dumb down their analog sectio... | |
Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw? @ronrags Initially, as should be expected, timbre sucks. With little more than 2 hours on them the caps are sounding much better. They sound better than most electronics that will be used to feed them. Obviously the bass will also take time, but... | |
Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw? @the_nick PayPal claimed to have refunded me, but they haven't. I wonder if THEY are in trouble economically? The speakers are supposed to arrive any time now, but I am working 2nd shift and my wife will have to deal with UPS it seems. | |
Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw? the_nick I desputed, and now order 95 is supposed to arrive April 3rd. If he double bills, I suspect that the credit card company will resolve it, and Mr. Shaw may be destroyed in the industry. Lou | |
Caladan Rumors and Insights My number was 95. He has issues with PayPal, so I had to get them to refund the money, then used a credit card on his site. The speakers are supposed to be here April 3rd according to UPS. |