

Responses from lynn_olson

300b lovers
45’s are wonderful tubes. By measurement with a spectrum analyzer, possibly the best tube of all time, with a beautifully clean harmonic structure. Which is why the Mark I Karna’s used them as drivers. But ... NOS examples are now very rare, so i... 
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.
Thomas Meyer electronics. Smart guy, stunning build quality, and superb sound. Not in the same league as much more heavily advertised brands ... far above.  
300b lovers
Yeah, no way of knowing what Seattle will sound like. Might be stunning, might be not-great, no way of telling in advance. Shows are unpredictable.  
300b lovers
I was proposing "Blackbird" as a product name for the amps, and Don said it is not just black like a raven, but "Intergalactic" black, which cracked me up (literal LOL) when he told me over the phone. Looking forward to meeting him at the show in ... 
300b lovers
Charlie reached out to me and asked if I would like to be Technical Editor of Vacuum Tube Valley, and I happily agreed. First class bunch of people, including the irrepressible Eric Barbour, one of the most notorious curmudgeons in the industry ..... 
300b lovers
There’s nothing quite like twiddling with a speaker crossover or the critical components on an amplifier. That brings the guesswork to an end. You know what increasing the slew rate of an amplifier sounds like ... it’s a pretty distinctive sound, ... 
300b lovers
My concern for the customer experience might sound big-hearted, but actually it’s purely selfish. Neither Don nor I want ’em coming back. I am 100% retired, Don is thinking about it, and we both want the preamp and power amp to be reliable and goo... 
300b lovers
My concern is reliability and unknown, undocumented processes going on in critical components. This is just bad engineering. Imagine an expensive car where the horsepower and handling changed from day to day, and the manufacturer had no idea why. ... 
300b lovers
I have had situations with break-in on my own amps, which are very revealing of parts quality, where the sound got better and worse on a two-hour cycle. While there was an overall upward trend, the up and down kept going on, with the cycle timing ... 
300b lovers
Reviewers and consumers are at a great disadvantage in assessing the sound of a product, because they have never directly auditioned single-parameter changes. For example, a change in operating point (quiescent current) of 20% up or down, or a shi... 
300b lovers
Snapsec, the unstated point of the Quanta article is that objective reality cannot be experienced directly ... the entire ear/nervous system/brain/mind system processes everything into mental images and impressions. This is no little man watching... 
300b lovers
Show Update: Don, myself, and Spatial team will be at the Seattle show. What you will see and hear will be pre-production prototypes, sonically close to what we plan to manufacture. I can tell you neither Don, nor I, will tolerate any backward ste... 
300b lovers
At the expense of a small technical quibble, I don’t see Class D as entirely analog. Without the pulse-width modulator, it is a 100~500 kHz AM transmitter that transmits a silent carrier. The pulse-width modulator is what makes the whole thing pos... 
300b lovers
Although a glance at a schematic might lead you to think it is simpler than a classical (Golden Age) PP KT88, the parts are more expensive. Way more expensive, just as 300B’s (as a group) are more expensive than KT88’s (as a group). Another facto... 
300b lovers
I agree with Atmasphere. Some things cannot be accurately modeled. Put it on a bench, attach a dummy load, light it up, and measure square waves. Tune for nice-looking leading (and trailing) edges. Measure both low-level (below 1 watt) and also ju...