
Discussions macct has started

Have you heard these 3, Kef Reference 1, Kanta 2 and Sopra 1s.52653
Hegel H95, Lyngdorf TDAI 1120 or Naim Atom 88272
Small Sub, NHT Sub 8 or Velodyne MiniVee36115
Peachtree or Hegel Integrated?1739113
Thoughts on my speaker search...kind of long......43527
Speakers for a small room, looking for feedback1261019
Bookshelf spkrs revisited -Spendor/Dynaudio/FA49104
Von Schweikert vs Meadowlark vs Triangle60538
Speakers to replace B&W N804s ?????633411
Balanced Power Conditioner, need suggestions...46857
Cary 303/200 vs. Ayre CX-749234
Cd player or Nautilus 804616116
CDP - Wadia 830/Cary 303/Ayre CX752334
B&W 802 S3 vs. Nautilus 803 or 804's124593
HDTV Receivers27382