
Responses from macg19

Tone arm length
Chiming in just to say I’ve been following the thread and learning, thank you. I’m about to set up my 12” on as I have a new cart coming.    I have some Wally Tools arriving soon.  
Anyone adjust cart set up due to ambient temperature changes?
@pindac Cart is definitely faulty. It went from sounding great to skating across the record. Cantilever was moving laterally, a lot. Likely the suspension is shot. It is about to embark on a journey to Lithuania!  I'll post the resolution and co... 
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner
Music direct has a 60 day return policy. Pretty low risk. This would be a concern for me "Output Current Ratings: Max Current/Outlet: 15A"  my amp needs a 20A supply and at $10K you would think it would be rated to at least 20A.   
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
@ossicle2brain Sound silly maybe but as far as the A8, the thing that most improved it for me was moving it up on a shelf to eye level so I just use the touch screen instead of having to use a phone or tablet. Not silly at all. I found it anno... 
Coil vs. Cart impedance
@lewm @jasonbourne71 Thank you.  
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier
I’ve owned 3 tube amps paired with bookshelf speakers and by far the sweetest sounding was a Raven Audio Osprey. $5K I could not find your speakers specs (their website is unusable on my phone) so I can only assume 35wpc is enough - it was for my... 
Six Blade Knife is great too. Great tune but really good for testing or showing off your systems lower end capabilities. The self titled album is their best IMO and what a way to come out. Wild West End is great too. When I moved back to England... 
Eversolo DMP-A8 vs iPhone plugged directly to integrated amp - why no difference?
Hi y’all I’ve come back to this thread to correct a wrong and apologize to Eversolo and to anyone offended by my unwarranted opinion. I auditioned the Eversolo DMP-A8 (as some on this very thread know from a recent post about the audition). I t... 
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
@dandion  I will be honest and say that I initially thought the A8 was too good to be true, overhyped, saw quite a few really negative reviews, and checked out their website which gave me a negative impression of the Company. And I have said so o... 
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
@dandion Thank you - I did play with that setting.  
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
@ossicle2brain Analogue is my primary source. I have a new, maybe endgame TT arriving tomorrow. @tony1954 The A8 is boxed up. But to be clear for present and prospective owners, it is a decent product and sounded good once I figured out that all... 
Tone arm length
@billstevenson Nice! Thanks Bill, will do. I lived on the island from 1971 to 1992. My first visit to sound hounds was around 1980 .It was a bit dingy - geeky back then but super cool. Had all the MAC stuff including their first CD player. Looks... 
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
@mapman perhaps review my follow up posts  
Small Discrepancies in Speaker Placement
As @drrsutliff said distance between speakers may effect imaging. And yes, 1/2 an inch matters. Even a 1/4 but I only measure to 1/8 cause I’m OCD.  
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
@balooo2 I had both Tidal HiFi and Qobuz for a year and preferred Qobuz. Like I said, once I turned off all processing the sound livened up a lot. i also tried the A8 as a streamer with my DAC and thought it sounded pretty good but not good enoug...