
Responses from magnet7

Thiel Owners
And … are they Picofarad or Nanofarad?   
Thiel Owners
Does anyone know the capacitance  of the 6 small polystyrene caps in  3.5’s crossovers?   In the crossover schematic in my possession the capacitance of these units is not indicated, they are instead identified only with the letter "S" (which per... 
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel - Yes, I know that according to the scheme it should be an 8uf.  I ordered the 8.2uf because the Clarity CSA does not exist in 8uf, only in 8.2uf. The technician who is helping me with this upgrade project says that a difference of 0.2uf... 
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel  Tom, can you confirm that in your view the most effective (both, sonically and economically) upgrade for 3.5s is the 8.2uf cap replacement in the tweeter feed?  
Thiel Owners
@tomthiel - Thank you so much!!   I'm aware of the non-essential importance of shunt electrolytics in the woofer cell. Precisely for this reason I have already ordered two 8.2uf ClarityCap CSA polypropylene capacitors to replace the 8uf Solen cap... 
Thiel Owners
Hello everybody. I would like to ask your opinion on the crossover update of my CS3.5. I have already ordered (and am awaiting delivery) two 8.2uf ClarityCap CSAs, which will replace the two equal capacity Solen polypropylene caps installed in t... 
Thiel Owners
Dear Tom, first of all I must tell you that I am honored to be able to talk directly with you on my beloved speakers.  Also wanted to thank you for the truly kind and thorough preliminary answer you gave me.  I will definitely proceed to ask you ... 
Thiel Owners
Good morning everyone, … first post here, but I have been reading you very carefully for some time.  The question is about the possible crossover upgrade of my cs3.5.   Currently the speakers are open for maintenance and therefore with possible ...