Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Jeff - here's a lesson from Thiel history. All our products shared the same goals of flat frequency, phase, time, and dynamic response. The family signature is quite similar between models. Also, along the time-line, new technologies were invented and incorporated, so a newer product will always be more sophisticated than prior ones. Higher model numbers get you more bass. In your particular case, you will sacrifice bass extension and power going from your equalized, sealed 10" woofer to the 2.4's reflex 8" woofer. (Unless you weren't equalizing your 03.) The 2.4 is a highly mature product, whereas the 03 is the first generation of its format. Huge difference in subtlety and sophistication, but very similar family resemblance.

Notes about your 03. Only 500 pair were made before the upgraded 03a (2500 pair.) Your 03 is the base on which Thiel succeeded. Its phase/time coherence was unique and the equalized bass was unusual and powerful. They earned immediate distribution and reviews in Europe which seeded interest from east coast US dealers - and the rest followed. The 03 is quite rudimentary compared with later models, but in 1978 it shone quite brightly.

tomthiel - Thanks for the history, makes good sense! 

BTW, the 03s I have (SN 0287, 0288) have a round 2.5" port below the woofer on the left side. 

@tomthiel - Thank you so much!!  

I'm aware of the non-essential importance of shunt electrolytics in the woofer cell. Precisely for this reason I have already ordered two 8.2uf ClarityCap CSA polypropylene capacitors to replace the 8uf Solen caps in the tweeter path. From what I understood these units are the ones on which to invest the most in terms of cost /sonic results.

As for the other electrolytics:

- the two 100uf caps in in the midrange cell (one in series and the other in parallel shunt), essentially for budget reasons, I thought  to replace them with new 100uf Mundorf electrolytics (RAW series - ECAP 100), and to replace the 1uf Solen with one 1uf “Audyncap Q4” (polypropylene). The small 12,000pf bypass polystyrene capacitor would remain in place;

- I would follow the same path for the 100uf electrolytic in the tweeter cell: replacement with a new Mundorf electrolytic of same capacity and replacement of the 1uf Solen with a new 1uf Audyncap Q4, keeping the small 12000pf polystyrene cap.

This is why in my previous post I asked for advice only on how (and with which units) to replace the woofer capacitors. However, if collective knowledge / experience of this Group believes that I’m taking the wrong path as regards the intervention on the crossover, I still have time because I have not yet sent the order for the new capacitors.


Good weekend too you all.. 


Tom gave me some tips on cables for my speakers and I must say that they are both more open ( the one on the right was a bit cramped/ held back and on the first listen benefits more than the left , but both are more present with my self made new cables. )

I've got the electronics for my surround speakers nearly finished and ask in their own little boxes (filled with holes for venting). Just need one or two resistors and caps and Rob to finish my coax...


****** Weekly reminder ******

Just to remind those willing to upgrade their 2.4

Clarity Caps PUR 14 uF@630 VDC for €165,00 / piece

Clarity Caps PUR 28 uF@259 VDC for €142,50/ piece

This would total in USD something around 670 for the set

******** PM me if interested ********




Jeff - my memory was unclear about the ported 03. Please confirm NO equalizer.

BTW, it's great to know these speakers have given you joy for so long. They were made in our first garage shop on the little farm outside Lexington, about the time we were building the new 16' x 28' addition onto the original dirt-floor 15' x 22' garage. Memory Lane Lives.