Responses from maholl50
Tidal is corrupt I used to have tidal but they push too much hip hop / rap for my taste. | |
New Dynaudio Heritage Special..?..! I just acquired a preowned PASS INT-25 and am enjoying the Heresy IV’s that were previously driven by a Luxman SQ-N150.I know nothing about the Heritage Specials but at7K I’m wondering what other bookshelf speakers in the 5-7 K range might be an ... | |
Where are the young audiophiles? I got hooked as a senior in HS. Working my butt off to buy my first system I bought marantz, dual and AR. Next was McIntosh, Empire and Maggie’s. Raising kids took priority over my sound system but I never lost the love of good music and hi fide... | |
Spotify - Cambridge Azur 851N Hey thanks for the tips. | |
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube Emerald | |
Luxman tonality I’ve got a 505uXII and just acquired a SQ-N150 that I’m using with Klipsch heresyIV’s and just enjoying the sh*t out of the system. In fact the more I play the better they sound. Amp or speakers break in or both?Neutral, IMO. For what it’s worth... | |
Embarrassed....Audio furniture help Salamander, BDI | |
FOCAL ARIA 926 vs. TANNOY REVOLUTION XT 6F using a Primaluna Dialogue Premier didnt see any responses. did you make a decision? | |
How old are you? class of ' of the first bands I saw was Captain Beefheart in Des Moines,IA.The first quality system I heard was McIntosh / Klipsch, hooked ever since. | |
JBL L65 vs Forte III vs Cornwall IV I went yesterday to a local audio shop and listened to the Forte III, La Scala, Focal Aria 948 and the Sonus F Sonetto 8 speakers. I bought the Klipsch Heresy IV’s about 7 months ago and rotate w/ Magnapan LRS running a Luxman 505uXII and alter... | |
Who are your three favorite female singers? SadeSusan TedeschiNora Jones | |
Think fast: What would you take? We lost almost everything during hurricane Harvey and the floods in Houston Including a vintage Macintosh preamplifier and amplifier, Vandersteen’s and a fender blues junior. Fortunately I had insurance and was able to buy some new gear that I’v... | |
Integrated brand choice -- Simaudio, Hegel or Mark Levinson? Agree with the others about the Luxman check them out. | |
Cambridge Azur connect to two different amps? thank you so much! | |
Just received my new Luxman CL-1000 pre-amp. I too researched integrated amps before deciding on the Luxman 505uXII and love it. I like that it has bass and treble controls and the meters give it a kind of classic vintage look. Very natural sounding. Mine came directly from Japan via EBay an... |