

Responses from mammothguy54

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Toto IV, I have a perfect copy and pulled it out for listening later today.  Thanks for the good idea.Bonnie Pointer, S/TThe Pointer Sisters, 'Energy'  Really great vocals and a great recording.Manfred Mann, 'Watch'The Doobie Brothers, 'Livin' On ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I have about 25 classical albums that I need to clean and listen to.  I need to get more, as well.  I also need to pay attention to Brian's listings and take notes.  I need to expand my collection.Nevertheless, over the past couple of days/evening... 
Warm romantic & detailed
I had a similar issue with my old Mirage M3-Si speakers.  I was considering a couple of the Focal speakers but again, a metal tweeter is not what I wanted.  I really liked the Sonus Faber signature sound and came close to making that purchase.  Ho... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@jbmac75  welcome to this thread.  Easy doesn't mean best.  Yes indeed, do get a turntable, again.  And be sure to get a very good one and a very good phono cartridge.  The sonic rewards are immense.  You will quickly understand (or maybe remember... 
Pass Labs x250.8 vs tube amps
I own a BAT VK-33SE preamp and VK-255SE power amp.  My speakers are 88 Db efficiency.  The amp drives them effortlessly, with plenty of safe headroom, and I find it to sound it's best after about 30 to 45 minutes.  It gets quite warm by 30 minutes... 
Cartridge recommendations under $2500
Hana is a great value.  I had the SL for 6 months and really can't fault it, especially for the price.  I sold it and moved up to a Lyra Delos.  It fits well into your budget while the Kleos is well beyond your budget.  As another person stated ab... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
By the way, my copy of "It's A Beautiful Day" is also Columbia Records, Original Pressing.  I remember that it is a stunning sound, but that was on a system of years ago.  My present system is significantly more resolving.  Let's see how this stan... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@j_damon  Thanks for mentioning "It's A Beautiful Day".  I have a perfect copy of that album and haven't listened to it in many years.  I will do so tomorrow.Warmed up the tubes & electronics with disc one of Joe Bonamassa "Live From New York"... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@spiritofradio  I have not listened to "For Everyman" in many years.  I'll clean it and listen to it today.  I'll let you know about it's SQ.  I have to say, though, I have plenty of albums from that era, the early-to-mid 70s, that are excellent S... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Good idea on Jackson Browne.  That's why I like to read this post every day.  I find good choices to cue up.  I'll play these later today.I have just two JB albums.  "For Everyman" and "Hold Out". 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Donovan "Sunshine Superman"Tim Curry "Fearless" (We watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, first)Return To Forever "Romantic Warrior"Stanley Clarke "School Days"Dire Straits "Love Over Gold"Then I had to go to bed.  What a great night of music! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Great musical listening session.Talking Heads, 'Remain In Light'Steely Dan, 'Gaucho'   Fantastic recording and SQManfred Mann's Earth Band, 'The Roaring Silence'John Mayall's Blues Breakers, 'Crusade'   That album brings back a lot of memories. I ... 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
@eganmedia  you have it exactly correct.  I concur 100%.Also, the store that used an MP3 file connected via a phone does indeed make for a baseline of comparison.  However, for a store to use that as a source to demonstrate products of such a high... 
High end stereo preamps? Worth it?
I used a Marantz AV-8802A pre/processor as my preamp and home theater system processor.  I knew it was a very good theater processor but I also knew there was better hi-fidelity I should have for my musical, 2-channel play time.  I had already cha... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Looks to be more of Talking Heads today.My remaining 3 albums to clean and listen to are...Talking Heads 77Talking Heads Remain in LightTalking Heads Little CreaturesI'm first going to warm up the tubes with some Joe Bonamassa, 'Live From New York...